Final Straw (Part 1)

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Concept: Everyone drops at their feet to save Elena. Literally. After one more dead body has fallen in the motion to save Elena's life once more, you have had enough. You can't stand to see the death that surrounds so you decide it's time to take yourself elsewhere. And Damon has a few choice words and a decision to make.

Your fingers grazed the headstone, tracing lightly over the edge of the smooth stone finish. It was never meant to end this way; in all this madness and chaos, the incessant fight they needed to endure in order to keep this town safe from the trouble that never seemed to come to an end, he was the one you were meant to keep safe. He was never meant to be dragged into it all, yet, through your own carelessness, he'd become one of the hostages and had fallen into the trap that was... well, your life.

Tears escaped your eyes once more after your 4th try at keeping them in. Even in this grief-stricken moment you were trying to keep yourself strong, not let your guard down. You'd learned that through Elena's demonstration. She was a sweet girl, no doubt about that, a heart filled with compassion and determination no matter how often she wrongly put it to use. Yet, it always ended in tears and heartbreak, causing an uproar of raw emotion to get in the way of any rational plan. That was always what seemed to come out of Elena's outbursts. Her never-ending need to look for a better alternative when, sometimes, no matter how pessimistic this may seem, there just isn't one. And you'd learned it the hard way.

In recent events, with the vampires of the Other Side during the temporary dropping of the veil, tensions were high and intentions for revenge were even higher. The souls of the fallen witches, hybrids, wolves and vampires were roaming and they'd had an agenda. Even in their final moments, while they could do whatever they so desired (within reason, of course... their lenience as to where they could go only had such a limit), they spent it on their hunt for vengeance, whether it be for themselves or a fallen brother or sister. You were a prime target on the hitlist of many ever since the Salvatore brothers had roped you back into their shenanigans after 20 years apart on what was only meant to be a one week, nostalgic stay in Mystic Falls, you'd become quite the saviour in order to preserve the life of such an angel as Elena Gilbert, a spitting image of the bitch Katherine who you'd had a slight clash with back in the 1860′s in her brief stay here. Truth be told, you stayed for one thing and one thing only: Damon. He held a place in your heart that no other could come close to fulfilling and, stemming from this, came the dedication to do anything that pleased him, like an unofficial sire bond.

Though it's true that, in her vampire form, Elena's life was not as fragile as it once was, she still managed to find a way to have trouble latch onto her like a leech. First, they struggled with getting her to feed which resulted in the discovery of her troublesome sire bond to Damon which, truth be told, you were not all that thrilled about, and one after another problem seemed to arise, somehow all stemming from something she did and her lack of ability to stand back and let the people with experience take the wheel for once. You admired her determination but wish she'd put it to use in ways that wouldn't cause so much collateral damage for everyone else.

This time it was more tangled but it still related to her. You and your brother had been taking a walk, finally getting a breather from all of the hectic-ness of your lives. The air was cold and crisp but clear and it felt amazing to stand there in his company, hands intertwined and gripping on as if either of you letting go would result in you drifting away from him. Your happiness was short-lived. Soon enough, a vampire, one whose face you remembered clear as day, was taking his stance in front of you, face contorting with a sick smile. You remembered him as the one that had Elena back in her human form. A group, seeking revenge for Damon killing one of their own, had wandered into town and taken her as a means to get to Damon. Lucky for him, he wasn't in town but, yet, unlucky for you, that meant you were next in line considering Stefan was out on his little Ripper binge with Klaus. You found her in the basement of their dingy, old house just off a jagged path into the woods, hand at her throat and her face almost devoid of any life. Your hands had found their way around the man's throat in no time, picking his body up and hauling it across the room where it smashed into a wooden cabinet and, as it splintered and crushed, a plank of it had pierced his heart. It was never your intention to kill him, only stun him long enough to grab Elena and speed out of there. But, that didn't matter now. You killed him and that was all there was to it.

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