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Ever since Enzo moved to Mystic Falls, Y/N and him argued. Neither of them could explain why, but they hated each other. The first day they met, everything was fine. There was no arguments as there was nothing for them to argue about, they had just met. The second day they met is when it all started. Enzo had walked into the living room of the Salvatore house and doubted Y/N’s witch powers. Most of their arguments are driven by Enzo’s doubt for Y/N’s powers.

Their latest mission was to locate Elena as she had been taken by a mad scientist that kept Enzo prisoner for most of his life. He had a messed up plan to turn vampires against each other and had taken Elena for his first test subject. 

Enzo was working with Y/N as he had a possession of the person that had captured Elena. As usual, he had his doubts about Y/N’s magic. This time, she was getting sick of it and wanted to know why he always tried to correct her, even though he knows no magic.

“Enzo. I’m getting really sick of you constantly having no faith on my magic when every time i prove you wrong. I am good at this and i will complete the task that i need to do” Y/N sighed. She had no idea why he was always sitting next to her, smiling at her, watching every move she makes and if she does something wrong, he sighs and tries to help.

“Maybe i just need to get to know you more to be able to have faith in you and your magic” He suggested while winking. This was another thing he was constantly doing, trying to convince her to let him take her out for dinner and each time, she declined in a not so polite way.She always knew he was being sarcastic. 

“I’d rather gauge out my own eyeballs then go out with you” 

This mad Enzo mad. Yes he knew that she wasn’t that fond of him, but he never thought she hated him. All Enzo wanted to do was get to know her better and maybe take it a bit further. Since the first time he laid eyes on her, he was entranced by her beauty and her loyalty to her friends. He always made sure he was the one that was working with her or sitting next to her. Sadly, since he was locked up for years, he was not used to the ways to grab a woman’s attention.

“Ouch that hurt” Y/N noticed a hint of sadnessin his eyes, something she had never saw in hir brown eyes.

Once Y/N had finished the locator spell, she texted Damon what she found and threw herself onto her couch. To her surprise, Enzo joined her. This never happened, whenever their work was done, he left her to be by herself. This was unusual.

“So... what do you usually do after your magic isn’t needed anymore” questionned Enzo. They both felt awkward so either of them had no idea of what to say or what to do. 

“Erm, i usually just read a book or take a bath Enzo hummed in response. It was silent for a few minutes, the only sound was their breathing. Finally, Y/N got tired of the silence and finally spoke. “Why are you still here Enzo. I don’t want you here so can you just leave” She begged.

Enzo then turned round so he was completely facing Y/N. He looked so serious and a little hurt. “Why do you hate me Y/N? All I've done since i met you was try to be your friend. Maybe i didn’t go the right way towards it but i have been trying but each time, you just reject me. Why?”

“Maybe because all you do when you’re around me, is criticize my abilities and you never have faith in my magic. That’s not what friends do. Hell, even Damon doesn’t do that and have you met Damon?” Y/N was now starting to get angry. Not once has Enzo shown any indication to be friends and now he’s saying that’s all hes been doing?

“I was just trying to joke around Y/N. I’ve been out of the world for decades so i’m sorry if i don’t know how people work these days.” 

Both of them were now standing up and shouting at each other, throwing insults at each other and cursing every other word. This was their worst argument yet, and somehow it managed to include everything they have ever argued about or disagreed on. As the arguing was dying down, Y/N heard Enzo mutter something that she never thought would be aimed at her.

“I can’t believe i fancied you”

All Y/N could look at him with shock. Although she wasn’t a vampire, she had amazing hearing which Enzo had forgotten about.

“Just forget i said that. I’ll leave you alone now. Enjoy your bo-” Y/N interrupted Enzo by crashing her lips to his. It took Enzo a few seconds to register what was happening and to react to it but when he finally did, sparks began to fly between then. All the fights they had since he had moved to Mystic Falls built up to this moment, collecting the tension each time and the kiss is what let all of that out.  

Enzo used his vampire speed to move them both to the wall, pinning Y/N against it and her hands above her head with just one of his. His other hand roamed down the side of her body, feeling every inch. When he got to her ass, he squeezed it causing a small, soft moan to come from Y/N’s mouth. 

The only times they parted their lips, was to tear the other’s clothes off. Finally they were both just in their underwear and Enzo pulled away, his hands still on Y/N’s hips. 

“You have no idea how long I've wanted this Y/N” 

“So why have you waited this long for it to happen” Y/N replied, while looking in to his eyes. She had never noticed how beautiful they were until she was staring at them at this moment. 

Enzo then ran one of his hands across Y/N’s cheek. “For the past 100 years or so, i’ve been locked up, away from the world. Ever since i got out, i realised that the world has changed and i have no idea how to live in it. I was scared to love in this world.”

The way he called her love sent Y/N’s body into overdrive. Once again, her lips smashed against Enzo, catching him by surprise. This time was different. Each of them could feel the passion in the kiss a lot stronger. 

Unfortunately, before it could lead to anything more, Damon and Stefan walked through the front door, interrupting them. They immediately tore apart from each other, putting their clothes back on as fast as possible, trying to hide what had just happened. Luckily for them, Stefan and Damon didn’t suspect anything and they carried on as normal.

“We’ll finish that later” Enzo winked at Y/N, while sitting down on the couch next to Damon.

Word count: 1230

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