Chapter 2

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Henry Hudson is always upbeat when it comes to parties, loud music, ladies and drinks at his very own penthouse. But that very night, he was not in the mood at all.

"What's wrong, handsome?" the busty lady seductively touch Henry's chin. He looked away, ignoring the touch.

"She was so frustrating. I never met someone called me those before." Amanda's image almost made Henry's hand turn his hands into a fist, but stopped himself and exhaled.

"Who are you talking about?"

"She really got into my nerves." Henry took one gulp of his whiskey before he continued. "But, she's going to be hurt in the end. She's going to be sorry for playing games with me. You will see."


Amanda was still asleep in her apartment when a phone call woke her up in a Tuesday, early morning.

"Hello?" Amanda answered in a hoarse voice; eyes still closed.

"Hi, dear!" A loud, high-pitched voice with so much enthusiasm made Amanda's eyes wide open. "Where are you? I'm here at the set!" She looked at the caller and rolled her eyes to see Gorgy William's name flashing in her phone.

"I'm not going." She answered, dryly.

"You can't say that. This is your first book that has gotten into a film and they need your cooperation in this!"

"But, I'm tired." Amanda groaned. She has been working her newest novel for days and she barely went to sleep.

But Gorgy wouldn't take no for an answer. "No. Gillian's getting you, right now. If she has to drag you out of bed, she would drag you out of bed."

Amanda kicked her sheets away, groaning and at the same time a wild knock was at her door before it flew open. She lazily looked to see a brunette woman dressed in a pale pink dress approached her with a coffee in her hand.

"Come on! Get up!" Gillian Lambert,Amanda's best friend for 13 years, went inside Amanda's apartment and opened the curtains, letting in the sunlight of Amanda's darkroom that it hurt her eyes.

"Let them do the movie themselves." Amanda covered her eyes with the back of her hand before she laid back again to her bed, covering herself with the sheets but was only pulled away. 

Gillian sat on Amanda's bed and handed her a cup of espresso. "This is so exciting. You're first novel to be turned into a film. You should be there!"Gillian shook her shoulders, excitedly. She has always been the cheerful one. If Amanda was like the winter, Gillian would be like the spring. She has this medium length curly brown hair that bounces on his shoulder when she walks. Her eyes were green in color; giving off warmth and happiness whenever she smiles. Her enthusiasm and positivity has always been contagious too.

And Gillian's enthusiasm changed Amanda's moody morning to a bright and somehow, exciting one. 

Amanda took the cup from Gillian's hand and sipped. That's good stuff.

"Are you not happy?" She asked, her eyes changed to a worry.

"I am happy. Thrilled even."

"Then get up and go see it."

Amanda was happy about the news two weeks ago, but she would always remember the encounter she had with the rudest guy she ever met, that the entire thrill went from a 100% to 0%.

But, she really wanted to see the set. What if he has forgotten all about it? This thought gave hope for Amanda. He wouldn't care about her. He wouldn't waste his time playing games with her. Yeah. Yeah, that's right.

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