Chapter 29♡︎

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Harden sat next to his mate on the bleachers,gripping his hand as he watched the water.

They were currently waiting for the competitors to come out of the water for the second task. It irked Harden that he couldn't see his best friend,he couldn't see if Cedric needed help or if he was in-trouble. He couldn't see or do anything other than worry and it was making him irritated.

Draco sighed as he watched his mate. The silver-eyed boys brows were scrunched up in concentration and he was chewing on his lip in worry,no doubt pulling the skin off. He too was worried for Cedric but he knew that the older teen could handle himself and if anything were to happen then someone would know and be alerted. He hated seeing Harden was anything but happy. The youngest royal seemed to always be smelling of smoke,a clear sign that his bad smoking habit was back,and he seemed to be having less patience with everyone,causing the other Slytherins to be wary around him and second think what they say or ask inorder to not make him even more annoyed.

"He's going to be fine,babe,he's stronger than people think" Draco tells his boyfriend,gently gripping his mate's face and forcing him to look at him.

"I know" Harden says with a tired sigh,leaning into his mates soft touch, "I just don't know what i'd do if I lost him. He's family"

"Nothing's going to happen to him" Draco reassures the silver-eyed boy,gently running his thumb on the other teens cheek in a soothing manner before pulling away.

Harden lets out a dog like whine at the lost of contact,causing Draco to laugh.

"Your such a dog" Draco teases.

Harden opens his mouth to reply but the sudden sound of cheering causes him to turn from his mate and look towards the water where his best friend was swimming towards the dock.

Harden jumps off the side of the bleachers so he wouldn't have to push past people. The impact caused his feet to hurt but the stinging feeling went away just as fast as it came. He ran towards the edge of the dock,swiping a towel from on the professors and helps Cho Chang onto the wooden surface before helping Cedric out,giving both a towel.

"You did it!" Harden says with a large grin,pulling the older teen into a hug."First place too!"

Cedric laughs at the boys enthusiasm,his heart warming at the pride shinning in his best friends eyes.

Cedric wraps his arm around Cho,pulling her into his chest as they both laugh at Hardens proud rambling,reminding them of a mother.

It wasn't until Harden picked up the sound of sobs and yelling that he stopped talking.

"Harden?" Cedric questioned the younger teen who stopped in the middle of talking.

"I'll be back" Harden says before turning and walking towards the noise,wincing when the cheers got too loud.

"What's wrong?" Harden questioned as he came close to a beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes who was gripping a towel close to her while tears ran down her face.

"My little sister is down there and I couldn't get her" the girl says in French,most likely not even realizing it.

"I'll go see what I can do,we'll get her" Harden reassures the girl before walking to where the headmaster and professors were.

He ignores his godfathers questioning looks and stomps right up to Dumbledore.

"There's still a girl down there. You need to bring her up,her sister is worried" Harden orders.

"I'm afraid I can't do that,Mr.Potter" The old man says,trying to hide is annoyance.

"And why not?" Harden questioned,getting angrier by the second.

"until the hour is over we can't help and even then the mermaids will not allow us in their water. We expected everyone to be able to save their prized possession" Dumbledore says calmly.

"What do you mean,Albus? you said you had a plan to get them to safety if needed" McGonagall says,worry and anger lacing her words.

Meanwhile Harden was thinking of a plan which seemed to catch his godfathers attention.

"I don't like that face,cub" Remus says,sharing a worried look with his husband.

"Yeah that's your thinking face and yo-HARDEN!" Sirius yells as he leans over the edge of the dock,looking for his reckless godson but the black water made it difficult.

"What did that idiot do this time?" Draco questions as he walks over with Cedric close behind him,both boys looking at the two men with curious looks.

"He went on a rescue mission" Remus sighs,running a hand down his tired face.

"Rescue mission?" Cedric questions this time. It wasn't a surprise that Harden was rescuing someone but he hasn't seen anyone on the docks that needed to be saved.

"The girl,Fleur,didn't make it. Her baby sister is down there and Harden decided to go save her." Sirius grumbles out,still looking for any sign of his godson.

"You mean he went into the water!" Draco seethes out as he too searches the water.

Cedric lets out a groan. His best friend was such a dumbass.

Harden swam deeper into the water. So far nothings happened but thay didn't reassure him considering he didn't know if he could drown. Sure, he wouldn't die but having his lungs fill with water would still hurt like a bitch.

He didn't know how long he was swimming,nor did he care. The only thing on his mind was finding that girl.

He quickly turned his head when he saw movement. A few feet away from him seemed to be three people,one behind attacked by some sort of ugly creatures while the other two were starting to slowly float back down.

He quickly swam over,making eye contact with shocked green eyed. Harry Potter.

Harden grabbed hold of the boys hand and tugged,getting the boy free of the ugly animals.

He flashed his glowing silver-eyes at them,causing them to slightly back off but he knew that wouldn't keep them back for long.

Harden looks at Harry and pointed towards the two sinking figures,pushing the slightly younger boy towards them before turning back to the animals who were once again advancing at them.

He allows his eyes to glow brighter and his fangs to show along with his claws. He legs out a warning growl that seems to have them pause but only for a second.

He allows them to come,swiping at them.

The black water turns red with their blood along with his from where their own claws catch his skin.

They surround him,making the water seem even darker.

He was loosing air. His head pounded from the lack of air. Without thinking he took in a deep breath,breathing in the dirty water. Chocking on it.

His eyes water and his head felt like it was going to explode.

He now understood why drowning is said to be the worse way to die. It's even worse when he can't die. He'll just keep coming back to life and drowning all over again.

His heart pounds and he thrashes about,trying to claw at the animals but his actions were slow and weak.

They cage him in even more,moving in on him.

His eyes start to close and he feels himself sink. Their was no more pain. No more fear. No more worry. No more anything.

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