Chapter 39♡︎

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Harden sat on a patch of gross,a bottle of vodka in his hand and another infront of him as he ran his hand over the name on the tombstone infront of him.

"Hey,Ced" Harden greeted,his voice slightly slurred. It wasn't his first bottle.

"Gabby's finally with us. Shes so brave and strong,fits perfectly into our pack. The other day mom caught us eating ice cream before dinner,she started scolding us and Gabby ran to Sirius and Rem-she's gotten very close to them. Mom didn't stand a chance against the four of us,she has everyone rapped around her finger. She has nightmares of course so she slept in my room but eventually ended up going to the Black's room because waking up to my screaming scared her." Harden let out a humourless laugh. "Remember the first time I had a nightmare around you? Y-you were so scared you cried but after father explained you decided to help me even if it meant sneaking out of your window just so I wouldn't be alone."

"W-why did you have to go?" His voice cracked and his hand tightened around his glass.

"YOU PROMISED!" Harden yelled angrily,stumbling up and throwing the bottle in his hand at the headstone.

"Fuck" Harden whimpered as the glass shattered,the liquid dripping down the stone.

He collapsed onto the ground,pulling his knees to his chest and letting out chocked sobs.

"Why are you crying?" A voice so very familiar yet hadn't been heard in what felt like forever spoke,causing Hardens breathing to stop for a second before he looked up.

"C-ced?" Harden questioned,his eyes wide and full of tears as he jumped to his feet,looking up at the honey colored hair boy.

"I-I'm so sorry,Ced,I didn't mean for any of this to happen. You weren't su-" Harden started,only to be interrupted by his own sobs.

"It's not your fault,Hades" Cedric said gently,his voice holding the normal softness as he stared at his best friend with sad eyes.

"Stop" Harden begged,clenching his hands into fist,allowing his claws to grow and pierce the skin.

"It's not your fault" Cedric repeated,his voice firmer as he watched the younger teen break.

"No,no,no,no. Your not real. Your n-not h-here. I'm so sorry,ced" Harden cried,his body shaking as his blood started dripping onto the grass beneath him.

"You didn't want this,Harden. I don't blame you" Cedric said reassuringly,a soft smile forming on his lips.

"No,stop. Please." Harden whispered,a whimper escaping him.

"It's not your fault" Cedric repeated again.

"I SAID STOP!" Harden screamed,stomping over to the older boy and gripping the front of his yellow shirt.

"You have to stop blaming yourself" Cedric ordered gently,not even flinching at the boys sudden aggressiveness as he pulled the younger boy into a tight hug.

That was all it took for Harden to break,sobs racking his body as he tightly fisted Cedrics shirt. Never wanting to let the boy go.

"I'm so fucking sorry. I'm so so sorry-" Harden repeated through his broken cries.

It took a while for the teen to calm down and it wasn't until the boy was left sniffling and hiccuping that Cedric gently pulled away,putting his hand on the back of his best friends neck and putting their foreheads together.

"I didn't leave you,Hades,I would never leave you. Just because you can't see me doesn't mean i'm gone. I'm always right here" Cedric said,his blue eyes meeting broken silver ones as he tapped the place where Harden's heart rested. "You have to stop destroying yourself,it's not helping you and your only hurting those around you."

Harden doesn't answer and Cedric lets out a sad sigh.

"I know that your grieving,Harden" Cedric says,his voice cracking as he finally allowed himself to just see how absolutely destroyed the boy seemed. He seemed so weak and tired,so different than the strong happy boy he was used to. "I know my death is hard on you and im so sorry. I miss you so much,Buddy and no matter how much I watch over you it tears me apart not being able to talk or comfort you"

Tears were now streaming down both of their cheeks and Harden was looking at Cedric with such sadness it made the older boys heart clench but he could feel himself fading. "It's time for me to go now,Hades"

"No,please. Please,Cedric,I-I need you. Please,please,don't leave me again" Harden begged,reaching out and clenching onto Cedric's shirt.

"I'm always watching over you,Harden" Cedric reminded,pulling the boy into a hug and allowing himself to fade away.

Harden gasped away,tears still making their way down his cheeks as he looked around.

He was on Cedric's grave,the stars glaring down on him as he picked up the phone next to him,letting out a sigh at the many miscalls and messages.

"I love you,Ced" Harden said as he pushed himself up and ran a hand over the gravestone before walking away,making sure no one was insight before apparating away.

"And where have you been?" Dean questioned as soon as Harden walked through the Manor door,his arms crossed as he glared at the boy.

Harden lets out a tired sigh,his eyes filling with tears as he looks at his father who's face instantly softens and becomes worried.

"Hey,son,what happened?" Dean said,his voice soft as he pulled the boy into a hug.

"I saw him dad" Harden admitted,tears once again running down his face as he held onto his father like he would disappear. "He was right there"

"Who,bud?" Dean questioned in confusion,running a hand though Harden's hair while the other rubbed his back.

"C-Ced" Harden admitted,clenching his eyes shut as he imagined the older teen.

Dean tensed in shock for a second but didn't once doubt Harden. They had magic for fucks sake and ghost were very real,plus he knew the boy would never lie about something like that.

"Lets go sit on the couch and you can tell me everything that happened,yeah?" Dean questioned and after receiving a nod he led the boy to the couch,holding his son to his chest as he talked about what happened tonight at the graveyard. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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