Chapter 32♡︎

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Harden walked through the castle with a body over his shoulder,his grey eyes glowing with power and a cigarette was held between his lips as he casually readjusted the unconscious boy.

It was currently three in the morning so the halls were silent and the only light was from the moon that shinned through the open window,seemingly to only put light on him,making it seem like he was glowing in the dark place.

His footsteps were silent despite his thick boots and every step he took was so graceful he seemed to have been floating. He hummed a song quietly as he took the cigarette out of his mouth and crushed it with the heel of his boot just as he made it outside the castle.

The wind whipped his raven hair making it fly in every direction,much to his dismay. The cold nipped at his bare arms since he didn't bother to throw on a cloak or hoodie but it didn't both him. Snow clung to him as he continued to walk until he was outside Hogwarts gates before apparating away.

When his feet finally touched the ground he was met with wands pointed at him,causing him to raise an amused eyebrow at their holders.

"Harden?" One of the voices questions confused as the wands are put down after everyone realizes who it was, "aren't you suppose to be at school? Why do you have a boy with you?"

"Oh,hello Harden! I missed you! So glad you could be here" Harden mocks sarcastically.

"Dramatic as ever,I see" The man says with a chuckle before walking to the teen and pulling him into the best hug he could with the boy in the way, "Hello Harden,I missed you"

"I missed you too,dad" Harden breathes out as he uses his free hand to grip the back of Dean's shirt and takes deep breathes of the mans familiar scent.

It's been a while since he last saw his father,the letters doing little to nothing in helping him stop missing the man. His father meant the world to him and being away from him for so long was very upsetting and often caused him to feel home sick.

Dean holds his son close. He missed the boy,even with the house being full it was still way less quiet without the boy and Dean had trouble sleeping at night knowing that his son wasn't in the room a few doors down.

"Hey,guys" Harden greets the other people in the room which where Tom Riddle,Lucius Malfoy,and Narcissa Malfoy. Everyone else was asleep.

"Hello,Harden" they all chorused back,causing Harden to lightly chuckle.

"Who is that boy?" Dean questioned his son.

"This is Ryan Henderson. I caught him forcing himself on Draco" Harden explains,his jaw clenching and his body tensing as the memory plays in his head. "He will stay in the dungeons until I decide to kill him. I don't want anyone touching him,he's mine to play with and I want him fed but only enough to keep him alive."

Everyone in the room gives him a nod,not daring to go against the alpha's orders even if they too felt angry and wanted to hex the boy for messing with the youngest Malfoy.

"I-is Draco okay?" Narcissa questions the silver-eyed teen worriedly,Lucius looking at the boy with the same worried face as her.

"He was a bit shaken up but he's not hurt,I got there in time before anything bad really happen. It was just a kiss but if I hadn't got there when I did i'm afraid it would of been far worse." Harden says stiffly. Just the thought of someones else lips on his mates was enough to make him want to murder.

"I will take him to the dungeons." Tom speaks up after a few moments of tensed silence.

"Very well" Harden says as he hands the still unconscious teen over to the man.

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