Part 9: I love you💝

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Author notes

(I say never chase after love let love chase you). (You chase love you will end up in the most uncomfortable and bad situations). (Love can find you and when it does then you know that you truly living). Okay guys in this part of the book there is some fluff I'll put when it comes and ends.....

Ratchet POV

I woke up feeling like slag. My processor wasn't really working in my favor and my spark was killing me, Primus it hurts so much. I then get a com link from ultra Magnus as I answer. Yes commander? ("Magnus said, ratchet we are in need of your skills in the med bay but I'm also a bit surprised your not already there"). I then got up but remained silent. ("Ratchet are you alright")? I'm fine commander I'll be there! I said threateningly. I then hang up as walked towards the med bay looking at the 6 bots injured. Okay okay everyone out I need to work here I said annoyed. They then all left as I start to work on the 6 bots. After a while I finally got them all stable after serval failures. I deeply sighed and sat on my chair but even though the room was quiet I was quite bothered. I do like a quiet atmosphere but my spark wasn't quiet, no it felt like it was on fire. G-gah w-what is g-going on? It didn't feel like physical pain at all it felt like emotional pain. I then got up walked to the main hall with all the other bots.

I then see Arcee making me whole frame tense up as she walked over to me. ("Hey ratchet how you doing")! Primus her joyfully attitude was making my spark calm down but I still felt tense. I'm...........fine Arcee I said coldly. ("That's good maybe we can hang out")? I just lowered my helm and walked past her, Primus I didn't want to face this right away. ("Hey ratchet what's wrong")? I ignored her comment and kept walking hoping to Primus she would stop talking to me. I then felt arms go around my waist startling me but slowly I enjoyed it. ("She then whispered into my audio receptor and said, ratchet let me in I can help"). One part of me wanted to completely let her understand me but the other part told me not to. It was telling me to not let her in ever person that has gotten close to me has been offline. I'm s-sorry but I can't do that. I then took her servos off my waist and left her there. I felt like crying I didn't want to push her away I never did but she gets close to me and then she's gets taken away from me.

Arcee POV

I deeply sighed and walked off to find some of my friends. I only had a few friends there names were; sideswipe, sunstreaker and jazz. All of which could be very annoying but they have good sparks so I deal with it. ("Jazz said, yo what's up with ya Arcee")? It's.......nothing jazz I answer sadly. ("I know when a femme like you got ya problems so come on spill"). ("Sideswipe said, yeah come on tell us"). Fine fine but we should do it in a more private place. (Also to the people who are reading this and think that oh I'm not doing the right thing with how the terror twins suppose to act well........ I DON'T REALLY KNOW HOW TO HAVE THEM ACT REEEEEEEEEEEEEE)! (Anyway back to the story). We then leave for my room as I close the door behind them. And you promise not to tell OR give hints to the mech I'm about to say? ("Sunstreaker said, fine we promise now go on"). *Deeply sighs* okay before I came here and became friends with you guys I met a certain mech. ("Sideswipe rudely interrupted me by saying,OHHHHHHH ARCEE HAS THE HOTS FOR SOMEONE")! Before I could say anything jazz hits sideswipe in the helm. ("OUCH WHAT WAS THAT FOR")! ("Jazz said, maybe use ya processor instead of ya voice box huh"). Okay now let me continue before I was rudely interrupted. The mechs name is ratchet.

We met by a helm injury that I got a while back now. He found me and took me to his place and fixed me up. After that we hanged out for a bit before he took me home. Then we grew closer we each other and I am starting to feel.......something towards him. ("What ya mean")? What I mean is even before I came here my spark has been fluttering when I'm around him..........and I would get uncomfortable hot either talking or being near him for long enough. I would also feel a shock go through me sometimes when we're really close. ("Arcee do ya know what's this mean")! What jazz? ("Ya both are meant to be sparkmates")! I immediately felt hot again but I didn't denied it. M-maybe............I l-love him. The whole room grew silent as my friends were shocked. Then in 2 seconds I felt arms around me making me help in surprise. ("They all said, CONGRATES")! H-hey I'm not done yet! They all get off me as I close my optics and say. But ever since we came here he has been avoiding me and barley speaks to me.

Love is magic tfa story: Ratchet x Arcee storyWhere stories live. Discover now