Part 2: Why do I feel this way?

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Ratchet POV

I went home after dropping off Arcee but I couldn't get something out my processor. She was very beautiful stunning even but why do I feel like this? Currently I was siting on my chair reading more data pads cause I was very bored. It's not like me to get bored I normally am killed with work but today an't one of those days I guess. I then get a call from Orion, that young bot what does he want? I then answered as I look at the data pad. Yes Orion what do you need? ("Orion said, hey ratchet I was hoping you would be able to join us for energon sweets today")? I actually loved energon sweets but I never was public about my liking for them. Sure Orion I would love to go I have nothing to do now also at what time? ("Like 3 cycles from now meet me at my home and the others should be joining"). Oh okay. The call then ended as I deeply sighed. Primus it's been so long since I had energon sweets I almost forgot what they taste like. But if there going for high grade I'm not having any of that. I might be old but I'm not stupid.

I also wonder does Orion know Arcee? As soon as I said Arcee I felt a shock go through my whole frame making me flinch. W-what was that? I was generally confused I don't why but I feel drawn to that femme and I only just met her. Ugh Primus maybe it's nothing it's probably just my old protofrom attacking up again. I then look at the time. Okay so I have 2 cycles left in order to meet Orion I guess I could get ready now. I then start to prepare as I polish my frame a bit. I never really polish my frame so much because I am a mechanic so I could easily get filthy from my job but since I'm not doing anything it's best I look fashionable. I then leave and went to hang out with Orion.


I finally arrived at Orion home after a cycle long. Primus I hope I did not arrive late. I then knock and after a few minutes Orion opens the door. ("Hey ratchet what took you so long")? To many people of the street now kid and can I come in? ("Yeah yeah come on in"). I then walk in as I see a couple mechs and a few femmes. I then walk over to Orion after I said hello to the rest of the mechs. Hey Orion is this everyone? ("Nope were actually missing one more person do you know anyone by the name Arcee")? My spark then started to warm up again but this time it's was making me nervous. Y-yes I do w-why? I stuttered. ("Oh she coming here because today is her off days"). I then remember that her helm was damaged. ("Um ratchet you okay")? Y-yeah kid um I gonna see where Arcee is. ("Why did something happen")? Y-yeah Arcee actually got hit in the back of the helm hard so she might have forgotten. ("Oh okay then"). I then step and try to find Arcee.


After 2 cycles I finally found Arcee home unit. I wasn't to happy about going from place to place like this but I was here. I then knocked on the door but the door was open and it was very dark in the house. Hello Arcee are you there? I was only greeted by the darkness as I moved throughout the building. I then turned on the lights to see Arcee pead dangling. Arcee are you there?! I then rushed over to the door and opened but I found Arcee recharging. ("Arcee then said, r-ratchet w-what are you doing here")? Arcee did you lose your processor or something? ("W-what do you mean")? Your door was open anyone could've walked in and you wouldn't even know I said annoyed. ("O-oh sorry I was planning on meeting Orion but then I fell into recharge"). Hold on let me call Orion. I then call Orion as he immediately answered. Orion Arcee can't make it she is to tired because her helm. ("Orion said, okay thanks for letting me know are you gonna come back though")? I then looked back at Arcee and saw he going back into recharge. No Orion I'll stay with her until she goes into recharge. ("Okay").

("Arcee said, why didn't you go with them")? I then sit on the bed as she was laying down. Well gathering aren't really my thing. And also I need to make sure you get proper recharge. ("I-I have work in the morning though"). Arcee just rest for now if you don't then you might have a serious problem with your processor. ("O-okay"). I then felt something touch me as I see Arcee servo on my thigh. I immediately felt hot as I took her servo off my thigh quickly . ("S-sorry I didn't mean to"). No no it's okay just relax and recharge. I then got up and went to leave but I felt a servos pull on my own. ("C-can you s-stay")? From that I immediately knew that something wasn't right with Arcee physical other then her processor but being the mech I am I won't push. Fine I guess I could stay. I then laid her back down and sat on the bed. ("T-thank you ratchet"). Your welcome Arcee no problem. She then recharge as I started to get tired as well. I then left and looked back at her sleeping form. Primus she is beautiful I muttered as I gently closed the door. I then saw her rest of the house, surprisingly it was neat and not a mess.

Well at lest she has a neat place I'll give her that. I then fix something things they were left on the floor and then I left. Even though the drive to Arcee was long I still enjoyed being around her, maybe she isn't so bad. 


Love is magic tfa story: Ratchet x Arcee storyWhere stories live. Discover now