Part 15: Thrill of the hunt part 2

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Author's notes

(Okay so the pic on top is for anyone who has not seen who or what lockdown looks like). (This guys is an pain in the aft but whatever). Anyway enjoy super long chapters back to back!

Ratchet POV

It's been a whole week since that incident in the cave and I haven't been feeling like myself at all. At random times in the day my whole systems would freeze and I would be token back to where I was saving......Arcee. Or the first time/the last time I fought lockdown. I been running self diagnostic test on myself to see what the issue might be but the results say everything is fine nothing is wrong. But I feel it in my spark that I an't myself and I need to know why. Currently I was in the med bay looking at some human experiments cause I was very bored. Prowl was mediating in his room as usual while bumblebee and bulkhead were causing a ruckus. Optimus went out with sari todo something honestly Primus know what there talking about. I then heard some one walk into the med bay. ("Bulkhead said, ratchet do you ever get tired of that computer")? I then sigh and face him, why are you asking. ("You've been on that thing for a while now when you gonna come off")? What does it matter to you if I come off or not I snapped. ("Um nothing really just looking out for you, ya know"). I then felt my whole system again freeze up as I got lost in my thoughts.


("Arcee said, you finally came"). I the wrapped my arms around her and said into her audio receptor, yes I did. ("What took you so long")? I sighed and said,just bots being a servo full and a aft. ("You seemed stressed"). Maybe. She then turned over and looked at me and cubbed my face plating. I'm glad you didn't get injured. ("I am to").

End of flash back

("Ratchet ratchet ratchet hello")! I quickly snapped out of my thoughts as I look at bulkhead. ("You okay ratchet")? Yeah I'm fine kid. ("Well you don't seem like it, you kinda froze"). I scoffed as I said, kid I'm okay just some glitch now would you please some annoying me. He then left as I rubbed in between my optics and looked into the window. Bulkhead was right I have been on this thing for a while it's almost night. And it wasn't like I was doing anything I was just staring at completely nothing other than human experiments. Ive been living in my thoughts the whole time and I can't focus on anything without getting trapped in them. I need to go into my room so I could sort this out. I then turn off the computer and walk up to my room and open the door. I then close it and laid down and stare into the ceiling. I then close my optics and let my processor keep doing what it does best, annoying me. Surprisingly I felt myself get tired as I turn over and get comfortable. I then drift off into a sound full recharge.


Optimus POV

("Optimus are you alright")? I looked down at sari and said, not quite sure. ("Optimus don't lie please tell me what's wrong you never act like this"). We were staring up at the stars that were coming into view since it was getting darker. What do you mean? ("You know what I mean"). I then sighed and l and said, you know don't you. ("Yeah now come on what's been going on with you two"). Ratchet always hated when people pushed him the wrong way. The many issues with being a very old mech he doesn't really know how to handle someone's lost. ("And let me guess because it's his sparkmate it's worse")? I was surprised as I looked down on her, you know what a sparkmate is? ("Yeah I had a similar conversation with ratchet and he explained to me what a sparkmate is"). He really loved her with his whole being Primus he would do anything to have her with him again. She was the only femme who actually gave him a chance to be connected and he adored that about her. ("But then she got offline right"). Yes unfortunately and I don't really know how. ("Wait where were you at when Arcee was offline"). I was with alpha Trion training to be the leader of this team. I also had loved someone but due to certain actions of me she became a decepticon.

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