chapter 3 (slightly edited)

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but, it wasn't just those three. there were more murderers, more to the article. you scrolled down to see more pictures. one killer had a blue mask, some sort of liquid oozing out of it. another had a cone nose and appeared to be some sort of monochrome clown. one had stitches on her mouth and a clock in replacement for one of her eyes. you kept scrolling down, despite your disgust at their appearances. all of them had some sort of weird trait to how they looked. one killer especially caught your eye, it reminded you of the dream you had last night.

you raised your head to look up. there stood your sister. your dead sister. she had a stab wound in her stomach, and her mouth formed into a smile, grinning from ear to ear. quite literally.

the man in one of those pictures had that same smile. a smile that would haunt you for a long time, that came without a doubt. how was that even possible? you soon came to the conclusion that this man had brutally murdered your sister. you rose from your chair abruptly, knocking all of your belongings which were on the desk onto the wood floor, paying no attention at all to the loud sounds you made along with the big mess. you ran your fingers through your hair in desperation and let out an agonizing scream. no, this wasn't one of your fear filled screams. this was an angry scream. you were unbelievably pissed off.

where was this man? perhaps he worked with those men who were in that cabin? you wanted revenge. you wanted it so bad. you wanted to be the one to avenge your sister for what that sick man put her through. but, you were human. they obviously weren't. you weren't like those monsters you read about. those ruthless killers you saw on that website. you were nothing like them. what drove them to be this way?

what drove them to kill innocent children?

after wearing yourself out with all the writing you had done, you nearly fell asleep at your desk. finally, you were done for the day. you climbed into bed, not bothering to brush your teeth or get changed, you were too exhausted from the day for that. you lied in bed, staring at the ceiling in silence. the only noise heard was the sound of your parents arguing downstairs about what to do with their mentally unstable daughter. soon enough, you drifted off to sleep.



you had gotten up about 20 minutes ago. you finally brushed her teeth, and got changed. you would be paying the library a visit today. you unlocked your door, careful not to alarm your parents. you mumbled to yourself as you walked down the hallway and down the stairs. your parents were still arguing in their bedroom about what to do with you.

put you in an hospital? get you therapy? as if. they could try. you wouldn't let them do that. you only wanted your sister back. that's all you wished for. your sister was your will to live. when you received the news that she was missing, you were devastated, to say the least. your parents often found you rocking yourself back and forth in your room, sometimes claiming to hear static, giving you terrible headaches, and saying you saw a faceless man stare through your bedroom window. other times, your parents caught you in the act of clawing and scratching at your arms until they bled.

but now, it was time to go to the library. time to find the answers to your questions that lingered in your head for a long amount of time. no, this isn't right. you shouldn't be getting yourself into this. what am I thinking? it would have been even worse for your parents if both of their children were gone. that's right, I should wait for the police to handle the situation.

just like they never did.

yes, this is right. you were making the right decision of finding out who that murderer was and trying to catch him him. you were set on that choice, and now were going to find out more about this man. hopefully you would find any sort of clue to lead you to him.

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