chapter 11

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today was the day. yes, the day she would escape. would it work, though? yes, she had to trust herself or the plan would never work. which proxy was the most vulnerable?


was blackmailing a murderer even possible? who knows. hopefully..

anyway, all the proxies leave their weapons on the kitchen table at night before sleeping, she had kept note of that. they would eventually come in handy. especially that gun Hoodie has..the gun! perfect.

now the plan was set. overhearing a conversation earlier when first waking up, she heard that the other proxies would go on a mission tonight, except for Cody. well someone had to babysit. huh. maybe it was his job because he's the weakest.



"don't try anything stupid. if Toby would do it, then it's not a good idea." Tim warned, putting his mask on. that was quite a good warning, she'd have to admit. but nevertheless, Tim and Hoodie were terrifying.

they took their weapons and left with Toby and Kate straggling close behind. now was the perfect time! Cody went into his bedroom and slammed the door mumbling a quiet, 'listen to Tim's warning.'

of course..not.

she slipped into the kitchen and headed for the pantry where she saw Hoodie just days ago putting a spare gun in. it was placed behind a box on a black shelf, along with books and trash bags. though, the trash bags looked quite big for the garbage can. never mind, thinking about that wouldn't end will. she was sure of it.

picking up the gun and exiting the pantry, Cody walked into the living room rubbing his eyes. he looked very tired, that put her at an advantage. let's see how this goes..

she slipped the gun into her jacket pocket and entered the living room before approaching Cody. "[name]?" he asked. quickly, she pulled the gun out, pointer finger hovering over the trigger.

years ago, before the whole sister fiasco, her father had taught her how to use a gun. "it's for self defense! don't use this training in the wrong way." he's always laugh when saying that, as if he knew she wouldn't get into any trouble. now was the moment to put that training to good use.

"what are you-"

bang bang!

she fired two shots towards the ceiling, warning Cody not to try anything. he turned around with wide eyes and stared at the gun. "what is it you need..?" she lowered the weapon, but still kept the finger over the trigger. "let me escape. give me my phone, I know you have it. then I want you to tell the others that I was sent on a separate mission by your boss. do not tell them where I am. do you understand?" he glanced at the gun once more and nodded, disappearing into the hallway.

seconds later, reappearing with a phone. not just any phone- hers.

ah, freedom. at last, it was all at her fingertips, she could feel it coming. finally escaping this clown house and going back to her boyfriend and parents. well, maybe moving out with her boyfriend after this would be an idea to consider now..and some therapy.

she snatched the phone, aiming the gun at Cody in warning. he only glared in response, arms raised in defeat. twisting the lock and knob, the door opened, revealing the forest she had seen not too long ago. finally!

home at last.

well, she hoped.


two hours had passed and Cody still sat on the couch. "fuck.." he mumbled, chucking a pillow across the room as the front door opened. he had half expected [name] to walk through, finally realizing how stupid her idea was. but no, it was the other proxies.

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