Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Time for a recap: So in the last chapter Hawks had to leave y/n because of weird work reasons, and Y/N gets a call from a person making him drop his phone.

The only thought that was racing through his head was" How did he find me?" where Y/N only thought at the moment. The sound of his phone ring started to die down. Giving Y/N some little peace back. As you run back in for between your bedroom and your tiny living room you decide to just watch the news.

" Hello, my name is Spring, and we are here today with a special hero Hawks!" The reporter said with excitement.

" So tell us Hawks? Just yesterday to had saved a Boy from a stranger that was treated to kill him. My question is do you know the name of that boy you saved yesterday?" The reporter said while raising one eyebrow

The one thought in your head was please let it be someone else." Y/N said pleading in his head

" No. I do not know the name of the boy I saved. I save a lot of people every day." Hawks said playing dumb

" Will thank you for your answer, but we have the answers ourselves." The reporter said" The boy you saved was not just any boy. The name of that boy is Y/N Zeroly." The reporter said staring into the camera

At the moment your name was said you thought you were going to die, something else had stopped the thought.

" What do you know I saved a Zeroly." Hawks said with a fake laugh

" Now on to something else Mr. Hawks." The reporter said, turning her head in the direction of Hawks." My sources tell me that you and the hero commission plus a few other heroes are working to bring down the Zeroly group? Is that correct?"

" He wants to bring down my Family's group." You said with a smile starting to form on your face.

" I can't say that at the moment, but we are trying, and we are hoping to," Hawks said before the sound of knocking came from your door.

"Yes, who is it?" You asked turning off the T.V and walking towards the door.

As you open the door it was the police

" Hello Officer, how may I help you?" Y/N asked

" Yes, Mr. Zeroly will you please come down to the station with us? We were wondering if you could tell us about your side of the story of what happened yesterday?" The Officer asked

You nod in response to his question. The drive to the police station was quiet. The Officer would make small talk like asking if you were ok or having a hard night of rest. The response you would give him was one of no emotion or exertion. After what had seemed like a long drive to the station you and the Officer had finally arrived.

" Please Mr. Zeroly come this way." A detective said leading you into a room with one mirror on the left and a table in the center of the room.

" Please take a seat." The detective said taking a seat himself.

After Y/N took a seat and knew it was about to begin. As so he had asked you your side of the story. Y/N told him he's on the side with the detective just nodding as his response. After finishing telling your side of the story the door made a knocking sound.

" He's here on time." The detective said walking to the door

" Who's here?" You said glaring at him

As he opens the door it reveals a tall guy with flames for a mustache and flames around his neck. It was Endeavor the number one hero.

" So, your Y/N Zeroly." Endeavor said disappointed

" Yes, and your Endeavor." You said with the same tone as him.

" I have already answered the detective's questions for what happened last night. So, what is the number one hero doing here?" You said changing your demeanor into one of a strong and proud person.

" I'm here to ask you questions about your family's group the Zeroly blood moon group." Endeavor said glaring at you.

A sigh was the only thing Y/N could do at that moment.

" You no what you flaming bastard. I'm going to answer your question right now. No, I have not been in contact with anyone in my family, and no. No in their group either. No, I have no idea of what they're doing right now, or their plans for the future. Finally, If you want to take down my family." Y/N stops for a breath of air

" You can do it by yourselves. I'm not getting involved with my family again, nor do I want to see them again. I left them for one reason alone. I promised myself that if I had to help take them down, I would do it, but it does not involve me. So, good day." Y/N says getting up from his seat and walking past Endeavor with only a glare was pointed at him before you left to go back home.

The walk home was a peaceful one for it being 2 pm. As Y/N was walking home he felt a pair of eyes on him. Making him pick up his pace a bit. After walking half to Y/N home he still felt the same pair of eyes following him. As Y/N makes it to his apartment complex the same pair of eyes were still following him and making him turn around to see no.

" Am I just being paranoid, or is someone really following me?" Y/N thought to himself. Run up the apartment complex and getting into his apartment fast by closing the door as fast as he could.

As the afternoon sky turns to a peaceful night sky. The air on the Y/N balcony was calm and nice.

As Y/N feels the wind picking up Y/N sees a crimson feather, and picks it up, & fondling it a bit before a voice broke through the silence.

" Could you stop fondling my feather there sensitive?" Hawks said landing on the Y/N balcony table.

" I'll stop fondling it if you get off my table now." You say rubbing your fingers on his feather faster, and so he complied.

Hawks told you that he was passing by, and saw you out here and thought about saying hi.

" So, baby bird what have you been up to?" Hawks asked seductively

" Will after getting asked question from the Police about what happened last night, and getting to speak before Endeavor question pretty good I guess," Y/N says looking at the tall building in the distance.

Hawks nodes in response to your answer. He opened his mouth to ask something, but you stopped him with emotional eyes that stopped him.

" Do you really think I'm that stupid Hawks or is what they say about you a lie?" You say changing your emotionless look into a smile with malicious intent in them." You can drop the crap Hawks. I know you here to ask questions about my family for the hero commission, and before you say another word. Just drop that fake smile on your face. I knew that was a fake smile since the first time I saw you smile." Y/N says turning his face towards Hawks.

His face was one you would see people out in the world would wear, and normal face. 

" I don't your stupid at all Y/N. To answer your question yes I came to ask you questions on your family from my boss." Hawks says with a smile you knew was fake.

" Like I told Endeavor. I have not heard anything from my family, nor have I been involved with them. I'm not ready to face them, yet not after what I did when I left." You say looking down

As the silent sound of the sir become stronger you were the one to break it.

" I will help you, but not now. Not now. I promised myself that I would leave that life behind." You say looking up to Hawks with a face that's about to cry. 

Hey PlatuimTie here sorry for not updating for a very long time I want to take a break from writing, and now I want to write more. But you guys are going to have to wait two weeks. I have a test the next week, and after the weekends I'm going to update my stories. Thank you all for your patience please everyone be safe.

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