chapter one.

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Jude's POV...

"And remember to call and text and visit and never stop loving me!" She kissed me on the cheek.

"Mom, I will text everyday and call when I can. I love you."

"I love you too."

My mom got in her car and pulled away. 

And here I am. On campus at New York University. All alone. 

I pulled out my phone and texted Roslyn.

Just got to NYU!! Super excited and totally calm. Why did you have to go to Duke? I miss you Ros. 

Jude the dude! You'll be fine. I miss you too and wish I could help you move in. I have to go though, I will call you tonight. xoxo

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and began walking. 

Weylin's POV...

"So do you know who your roommate is? Mine is some girl, Cindy. She is so weird." Tara said. 

"Tar, I have told you one hundred times that I have no clue who he is. He should be arriving today." 

Tara sighed and checked her phone.

"Oh I have to go. It's Cindy, something about disinfecting the bed spread. I don't even know. See you later!" She got up and just left.

I stood up and walked over to the tower of boxes I made. I haven't unpacked yet because I have been waiting for my roommate. 

Jude's POV...

After asking what felt like seventy people, I finally found my building. I walked up the flights of stairs and down a crowded hallway to get to my room. From the outside all I can see are boxes that fill up part of the room. I walk in. 

"Hey I'm your-" I pause midsentence when I see him.

"Oh my. Jude?" He said.

"Woah what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"This is my dorm room...what are you doing here?"

"This is also my dorm room, Weylin. I thought I heard something about you going to Georgetown?"

"It was my backup school if I didn't get in here, which I did."

Great. I was looking forward to getting away from everyone at Claremont High and now the one guy I can't stand is my roommate. 

"Look I can see if I can move to a different room." He offered. 

"No, it's fine. We aren't kids anymore we can work whatever out. Or we can pretend that each other don't exist."

"I am liking that second idea."

Weylin's POV...

Jude and I have been unpacking for two hours. He's annoyed me a total of six times and gave me eight dirty looks. 

"I'm meeting a friend for dinner so you have some time for yourself." I informed him.


I put on my shoes and left the room. I texted Tara to meet me outside. 

"Hey Wey bae." She greeted me. She always has weird nicknames for me. 

"You'll never believe who my roommate is. Jude Rivers."

"Ju- the same Jude Rivers who you hate? The same Jude Rivers who took me to prom?"

"Ew don't remind me of prom, but yes. He is my fucking roommate Tara."

"Oohh let me go say hi!" 

Without giving me time to answer she took off running into my building. 

Jude's POV...

"Mhm, my roommate Ros." I called Roslyn to tell her how Weylin is my roommate.

"Dude that has got to be awkward. I mean, you ki-"

"Ros! You promised to never bring that up again."

"Okay, okay sorry. Has he said anything to you?"

"Not really. We talked briefly when I first got here, but right now he's meeting with a friend for dinner and I'm still unpacking and decorating my side of the room."

All of a sudden Tara Nelson comes walking in.

"Look Ros I have to go, love you." I hung up the phone and tossed it on my bed.

"Well hello." She says.


"For your information, I go to school here. I promise I'm not stalking you."

"Okay good to know. Uh how are you?" I haven't talked to Tara since we went to prom together and she kissed me. Right after our kiss I told here I was gay.

"I'm good. You?"


"Tara what the hell?" Weylin says as he walks in.

"I wanted to say hi to an old friend and invite him to dinner." She looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Dinner?" I ask.

"Yeah uh Tara and I are going to grab dinner. You, uh, are welcome to join us." He tried smiling but it wasn't exactly working. 

"No it's fine, I won't intrude."

"You're not intruding Jude." Tara told me.

"No, really, I have unpacking and decorating to do. Have fun."

Tara smiled and left with Weylin. I tried calling Roslyn back but she didn't answer. Neither did my sister or mom. Great. Happy first day of college Jude. 

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