beauty isn't perfection without you.

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DISCLAIMER: This is simply a work of fiction using real people as references. I would never push a relationship and/or sexuality on any of these people. I'm not implying that any of the relationships and scenes in this work are real. It's just for fun, and just fiction.


-im back besties!! it's been a while! i bring to you an almost 10k words fic about a relationship i bet no one else in the world really thought about.

-this is canon compliant, taking place from October 15th 2020 to March 13th 2021. obviously this was written before the end date so pls bear with me if something happens before then (maniesting ENHYPEN2 teasers even though it probably won't happen)

-background ships are jakehoon and yeonbin, now go read !!


To Heeseung, Taehyun was the spring breeze on a sunny day, the perfect puzzle piece, the most gorgeous landscape to take a picture of. And what they had together was beautiful. And then there was Beomgyu. The fluffy clouds that made the sunny day complete, the picture frame that made the puzzle pop, and the filter that made the photograph award-worthy.

Heeseung loved Taehyun with every cell in his worn-out body, but more often than not he found his heart aching for Beomgyu too.

And at first, when he didn't understand, it was terrifying. Because after waiting for so long, he finally got Taehyun, and then he felt like his heart was betraying him. But then he realized he wasn't wishing for Beomgyu to be there instead. He just wished he was there too.

Taehyun and Heeseung weren't new, they were as old as anyone could remember. It wasn't the sort of falling where you could pinpoint the moment, it happened before either could realize and suddenly they were both knee deep in an elaborate dance to reach the other. And when they finally did, it wasn't new, it was natural, it was familiar.

Falling for Beomgyu was the exact opposite. Heeseung knew the exact moment he fell for Beomgyu was on his 20th birthday, though it had probably been in the cards for a while. Right when the elder showed up at his dorm as his dongsaengs got ready for bed, lacing their hands together with a playful, "Let's go get a drink Heeseung-ah," and pulling him straight out the door with rushed goodbyes to the younger's band mates and a warning that he'd probably come back late.

Yeonjun and Soobin had been waiting in the car, hugging Heeseung and wishing him a happy birthday. They had gone to a pretty much deserted bar, teasing each other and promising not to drink too much because they all had practice the next day. They had a good time, and Beomgyu did his friendly flirting like he always would, with anyone and everyone (boyfriend or not), but Heeseung knew that at the very least, the way he felt about it was different. But he flirted back as if it was nothing, because doing anything else would be stupid.

He enjoyed himself, that is until Beomgyu sat beside him, the two of them watching Yeonjun and Soobin clumsily dance a couple meters away. "Maybe when we aren't in a global pandemic we can actually take you to a private club or something. Though by then I'm sure your boyfriend and the others could join us. Wouldn't that be fun?"

The guilt hit him hard at the mention of Taehyun. His boyfriend, who he'd only had for about a month, had probably been the one to ask his members to take Heeseung out, meanwhile said boy was sitting there falling in love with his boyfriend's older bandmate. He felt stupid.

"Yeah it would be," Heeseung responded, pushing the guilt down for the time being. "What did you guys do for your birthday anyway? You couldn't go out, right?"

"Yup. We didn't really do anything because we couldn't go anywhere, but we opened up some Soju Yeonjun's parents had given us a while before while Taehyunnie and NingNing aggressively drank orange juice and cola out of spite."

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