Scarlett Johanson - 1

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You are a part of the marvel cast and you have been invited onto the Ellen show to talk about the latest film. 

Y/c/n - Your Character's Name


I was sat on one of the arm chairs opposite Ellen. The crowd roared as I walked in and I waved modestly before turning my attention to my host. 

"Well hello y/n, how are you feeling tonight?" Ellen asked as she began the interview.

"Yeah good, incredibly nervous though, it is my first time doing anything like this." I confessed.

"You have nothing to worry about. To calm your nerves why don't we play a little game?" She asked.

"Uh sure." I agreed.

"Okay so we are going to play, who would you rather." She explained the game to me. She would show a picture of someone on the cast and I would say who I would pick.

"First up we have, Tom Hiddleston or Chris Hemsworth." Ellen called out, pointing at the pictures behind her.

"Wait, when you say 'who would I rather', what scenario is it? Because I would choose Tom for a movie night but Chris for a tour round Australia." I joked.

"How about, who you would rather date?" Ellen asked mischievously. I hesitated. "No backing out of it now." She teased. The crowd roared their approval and I gave a resigned nod before looking back at the pictures. 

"Uh Chris? Sorry Tom, you're great too though." I said laughing.

"Okay, Chris or Mark Ruffalo?" Ellen asked clicking the next slide.

"Chris." I said slowly.

"Chris or Elizabeth?" She said.

"Elizabeth easy." I grinned.

"Elizabeth really?" Ellen asked shocked.

"Yeah, who wouldn't." I said.

"Okay Elizabeth or Tom?" She asked showing a picture of Peter Parker.

"Elizabeth." I said without skipping a beat.

"Elizabeth or Scarlett?" She asked interested.

"Scarlett!" I practically yelled.

"Scarlett or Jeremy?" She asked showing a picture of Clint barton.

"Scarlett!" I replied quickly.

Ellen continued to flick through pictures of the rest of the cast and every time I picked Scarlett. At the end the person I voted for most came up on the screen. 

"Well would you look at that, you ended up with Scarlett." She said grinning.

"Yeah, I guess I did." I said blushing.

"You like her a lot don't you?" Ellen probed.

"Well uhh... I mean yeah, she is great on set and a really good friend." I said nervously.

"I didn't mean as a friend or colleague." She said winking at me. I chuckled nervously and the audience cheered as they noticed I was blushing again.


{Short time skip}

"So tell me what your first day on set was like." Ellen prompted me.

"Oh it was so weird. I turned up where everybody told me to be, I was on time and everything. I showed some security guard my credentials and they let me into this building but it was completely empty. So I walked around for 5 or 10 minutes calling out for someone when I found this shut door, and as the genius I am, I opened said creepy door." I paused for dramatic effect. "When I walked in the room was completely black. So I walked into the middle of the room and suddenly a bright light shone into my face, blinding me. As I was blinded I felt two people pick me up and sit me down in this chair, now I was terrified because I thought I was being kidnapped. When my vision came back to me I was sat on this sofa, with a blindfold on. I took it off and I was surrounded by the cast." I told her.

"Right, so what happened then?" She asked.

"Well I asked them what the bloody hell just happened and they laughed telling me it was some newbie ritual thing. So I just laughed along and accepted it." I explained.

"Okay now tell me about your character." She said.

"Right yes. Well I am y/c/n Maximoff. Wanda and Pietro's older sister. I have the same abilities as Wanda but weaker as well as teleportation and the ability to conjure illusions. I have a really awesome fight scene where me and Wanda are fighting against each other because I am under Hydras control when I suddenly realise that-" I broke off

"BOO!!!!!" Somebody yelled into my ear.

"AGHHHHHHHHH' I screamed, jumping out of my skin. My hands clenched into fists and I stood up ready to punch the attacker when I noticed it was my co-star Scarlett Johanson. "What the hell are you doing?" I yelled, in surprise, fists still clenched.

She put her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug. My hands instinctively held her waist as I pulled her closer to me. "Hey princess." She whispered into my ear, making me blush.

"Gosh I hate you." I mumbled into her neck as I calmed down.

"No you don't." She said winking at me as she pulled away from the hug. I took my seat and Ellen gestured for Scarlett to join us. "Theres only one seat." Scarlett pointed out.

"I'm sure y/n won't mind sharing." Ellen teased. I felt myself blush as I said I could stand.

"No it's okay." Scarlett said as she sat on my lap. I put my arm around her waist and pulled her into me, resting my chin on her shoulder. "How are you Princess?" She asked loud enough for the audience to hear.

"Still bloody terrified that Elizabeth is going to jump out at me next." I joked.

"Aw, don't be scared. I can protect you." Scarlett said kissing my cheek and making me blush red again. "Nervous are we sweetheart?" Scarlett smirked, she knew I had a crush on her.

"N--no, just er.. uhm, surprised?" I stammered weakly as I felt the warmth of her lips against my cheek.

"Sure darling. That's all it is." Scarlett said holding my hands. I smiled at her before looking back at Ellen who was grinning at us both. 

"So Scarlett, I heard you had a question for y/n?" She asked smiling widely.

"Right of course." Scarlett got up and pulled me up with her. Holding both of my hands.

"Oh no, what is it? " I asked.

"Nothing bad, dorogory (Sweetheart) I promise." She tilted my head up so I was looking at her.

"Mhmm sure." I said rolling my eyes, not quite trusting Scarlett.

"I was wondering if you wanted to be my date to the premier of the movie?" She asked smirking.

"W-what?" I stammered.

"You heard me baby." She said seductively.

I gulped. "You gotta stop with the nicknames scar." I said, buying myself time.

"Why's that gorgeous?" She asked faking innocence.

"People might begin to think you like me." I laughed.

"Would that be so bad?" She asked, tilting her head to look at me.

"I--- uhmm, you..wait what?" My brain froze.

"You heard me." She whispered into my ear. "It's clear you like me." She said before kissing me gently on live TV. "Pick you up at 7?" She asked as though nothing had happened. I just nodded, flustered at the kiss. "Great, bubs." She sat down on the chair and this time I was on her lap and she hugged me close to her. "I love it when you are nervous." She whispered, tickling my neck with her lips. I blushed again and Ellen smirked at us both.

"It's a date." She said laughing before continuing with the interview.

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