Wanda Maximoff - 5

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I was at yet another one of Starks stupid parties. He seemed to have one every other week and it was always the same old routine. Dress up, drink and get drunk. I wasn't even planning on going to this one, the only reason I did was because my friend Wanda asked me to come. I could never resist her, and so when she begged me one evening, I caved and agreed to come.

I put on my outfit, that I was wearing for the party.

I put on my outfit, that I was wearing for the party

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My apologies if you do not like the outfits.

Then I made my way upstairs, to the top floor where Tony was hosting the party. I walked over to the bar where I saw my other friend Natasha serving drinks. I sat down on a bar stool and asked for a beer.

"I thought you weren't coming." The red head stated.

"I wasn't." I replied, taking a drink.

"Did you get lost then?" She smirked.

"No, Wanda asked me to come." I said.

"Oh so Maximoff?" Nat grinned knowing I liked her.

"What? Oh no" I lied badly.

"I can tell when you are lying y/n." She laughed. I blushed and dropped my face. "Well I think you should scope out how she feels tonight." She told me before walking away to grab someone else drink.

I smiled and thought about what I would even talk to Wanda about, assuming I could even talk when I was around her. A voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"Hey." Wanda said taking a seat next to me.

"Oh hey." I grinned back, trying to stop my heart from beating so loudly.

"I didn't think you would come." She confessed

"Well I said I would, didn't I?" I teased.

"Yeah you did. So you and Nat seemed pretty cosy." Wanda stated coldly.

"Jealous are we Maximoff?" I joked.

Her smile faltered a little and she looked down. "Of course not, just an observation."

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