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This is gonna be a sad one, sorry in advance. 

Warnings:  Physical abuse, substance abuse (Drugs, Alcohol, smoking) If you do NOT feel comfortable reading this then I strongly suggest you skip this chapter. 

Y/gf/n - Your Girlfriend's name.

Y/n's POV

I awoke to a sharp pain across my face. My girlfriend was stood in front of me and I mentally cursed myself for sleeping in again.

"You bitch!" She yelled at me. "You are so fucking lazy, go do the dishes right now." 

I nodded meekly and pulled myself out of bed. She followed close behind and when I didn't walk fast enough she gave me a harsh push. I stumbled into the kitchen and filled the sink with hot water and soap, before cleaning the plates and cups that I hadn't done last night.

My girlfriend stood behind me, watching my every move. Once she was satisfied that I was doing as she asked she made herself a cup of coffee and a slice of toast with jam. 

I finished drying the crockery and turned around slowly, trying not to look at the woman who stood on the other side of the kitchen.

"Clean this up." She ordered pointing at the spilt coffee, milk and sugar and then at the smears of jam and bread crumbs from where she had made her breakfast, before leaving for work. 

I took a cloth from the sink and wrung it out before wiping it back and forth over the messy surface, catching the crumbs in my hand. Afterwards I looked in the cupboard for anything to eat but she had taken the last of the food yesterday to a party. There was a stale cracker and a packet of liquorice allsorts, which I hated. As I sighed in defeat I heard footsteps rapidly approaching the room I was in. I shut the cupboard and attempted to look natural.

"Y/N." A voice rang out harshly.

I moved so she could see me from where she was stood. "There is a list of food I need you to buy from the shops. Remember you are using my money, so don't even think about buying anything else." She warned me before slamming the door on her way out, making the window's shake in their frames. I froze with fear as she did and only moved 2 minutes after I heard her car pull out of the driveway.

Unfreezing slowly, I took the list from the fridge and scanned over it quickly. She wanted me to buy the usual;

- Bread

- Eggs

- Milk

- Cheese

- Cigarettes

- Chicken

- Butter

- Coffee

- Beer

- Doughnuts

- Orange juice

- Avocados

- Then the last item said 'Bill is coming over later, give him the money.'

I put the list down and walked upstairs to get changed for the day. My leg's protested as did my arms. I hadn't gotten a proper nights sleep in months and yesterday I was working all day to get the house as clean as possible for when she came home from her week away on a business trip.

She was sometimes so sweet and caring but the past 3 months she had changed completely. Whenever she came home from work there was no sweet kiss or cute gift it was all yelling and occasionally hitting, though that was growing more frequent.

She had stopped me from seeing my friends and cut me off from my family. They had all tried to call me but slowly gave up on me as I was blocked from answering their calls. Only 2 people still rang me and that was my 2 best friend's of 12 years, I hated not being able to talk to them but I was happy they never stopped calling. I was totally dependent on my girlfriend, for money, for a home and for support. She was killing me but she was keeping me alive too.  I had moved in with her nearly 2 years ago, when I was fired from my job. I had a place to stay that came with the job and without the work, I was effectively homeless, without my girlfriend I have nowhere to go.

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