Wanda Maximoff - 7

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Requested chapter by @Thescarletwitchswife who wanted Wanda and Y/n to be in a secret relationship and caught in an embarrassing way. Hope this works x

Y/n's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as the sun shone through the window, falling onto my face. Groaning I turned over and wrapped my arm around my girlfriend's waist, pulling her closer.

"Mmm." She hummed as she slowly woke. "Morning bubs."

"Morning." I whispered softly, keeping my eyes closed.

"What time is it?" She asked as she stretched a little.

"Uhmm 8am." I told her as I looked at my alarm clock. 

"We need to get up baby." She kissed me on the cheek and escaped from my hug.

"Nooo. Come back, I just want to cuddle today." I complained.

"I know bubs, but the team can't catch us." She reminded me sadly.

"Ugh, I hate that rule." I rolled onto my back and gazed at my ceiling.

"Me too, I'm gonna go get dressed in my room okay? I'll see you in a bit." Wanda smiled before she left.

I sighed and threw the duvet covers off of me, standing up to grab a shower. Afterwards I got dressed into a causal pair of joggers and a loose t-shirt. I tied my hair up into a messy bun and walked downstairs, barefoot. 

Walking into the kitchen I noticed there was no one else around, which was unusual. I shrugged it off and took a croissant from the cupboard and cut it open putting butter and jam on the two halves. Leaving the food on the counter I made myself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table.

A few minutes later Wanda walked in the kitchen too and gave me a kiss, after observing there was nobody around.

"Careful, Clint might be in the vents." I joked, offering her the other half of my breakfast.

"Where is everyone?" She asked laughing at my joke and taking half my croissant.

"Not sure, there is usually at least someone here." I said

"Hey, JARVIS?" Wanda called out.

"Yes, Miss Maximoff?" The AI replied.

"Wanda is just fine but where is everyone?" She replied.

"Well, Wanda." The Intelligence explained. "The team have gone out on a mission, Mr. Stark wanted you to go but Mr. Rogers gave you the day off after your previous mission."

"The whole team?" I asked.

"Yes Y/n. Everyone." Jarvis told me.

"When will they be back, did they say?" Wanda asked.

"They predicted to be back by tomorrow morning." Jarvis told us.

"Okay, thank you Jarvis." I told the AI.

"No problem y/n and Wanda." Jarvis replied courteously.

I looked at Wanda and smiled softly at her.

"Looks like we have the day to ourselves." I said.

"It does, so.... what do you wanna do?" She asked.

"Well I want to finish my breakfast then maybe we could go out somewhere?" I suggested.

"Sounds good. We could go shopping and stop at a café on the way?" Wanda asked.

"Sounds like a plan." I leant over and kissed her properly before taking my plate to the sink to wash it up.

Afterwards I went upstairs, brushed my teeth, dried my hair and got changed into a different outfit. Black jeans, a navy top and my jacket which I wore with every outfit. I met Wanda fifteen minutes later and we took one of Tony's cars to the mall. She sat in the passengers seat as I drove.

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