Full moon

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On Saturday, I woke up and retrieved from the bottom of my trunk my old red and gold scarf. The final match of the quidditch season would be happening that morning, and Gryffindor and Slytherin were playing against each other for the cup. Severus and Minerva had been provoking each other unbearably along the whole week. All the other school teachers would do was pat me in the shoulder and console me saying that that happened every year when the houses were facing each other on the pitch.

Severus rolled his eyes at my scarf, shaking his head and smirking. We left for breakfast and run into Remus at the Great Hall. I stopped to speak to him, but Severus murmured a greet and followed to his seat. Remus had arrived early for our meeting so he could cheer for Gryffindor, and he offered me his arm to walk down to the pitch with him and join the yellow and crimson crowd.

'We have the best Chasers and the best Keeper' he explained on our way 'but Slytherin has this new Seeker, a second year, tiny kid... caught the Snitch in no time in the first two matches... it will be tricky'. Severus passed by us on his way to the silver and green horde. He frowned at my hand nested in Remus' biceps, but said nothing.

Just as predicted, when Gryffindor reached seventy to twenty against their opponents, the Slytherin Seeker dived in the middle of the pitch, rising again with a golden glint in his hand. Remus and I looked at each other and sighed. When I searched for Severus in the greenish blur and caught sight of him grinning from ear to ear, however, my grudgingly subside a little. Only this man to make me see the silver lining in Slytherin winning.

While I was watching him, he searched for me too and, spotting me, started wending his way through the crowd in a very decisive way towards me, so decisive that I got a little anxious wondering what was his approach about. He arrived in front of me, lifted me from the ground at once, swiftly wrapping my legs around him, and kissed me. I went madly red, but he seemed so jubilant and so in love, and part of me was so glad that he didn't care to show everyone we were together, that all I did was laugh and kiss him back.

Meanwhile, I heard Professor Flitwick exclaiming 'Oh, that explains a lot. I had been wondering what was up with Severus that he was in such good mood lately' and Minerva retorting 'Good mood?!'. I had to muffle a chortle in Severus lips. He put me back on the ground, looked me in the eyes and muttered "You're mine". I didn't understand where that had come from, but I whispered back 'Of course I'm yours'. He smiled and gave me one more kiss before rejoining the celebrating Slytherins.

I looked around and saw Remus by my side, smiling at the ground and looking a little embarrassed, and that's when I realize that all that scene had probably been more for him to watch than for any other reason. But I was too exhilarated to be mad about it.

'Just an arrogant git that didn't want to waste his time on you, an?' Remus mocked.

'Oh, drop it, Remus.'


We entered the Great Hall just as the Slytherin throng and their deafening roar passed by, carrying their Seeker on their shoulders, the cup in his hands. Severus, among them, detached from the group and stopped by my side.

'Aren't you joining them at the celebration?' I asked him.

'And prevent them, right on the day of their victory, from overdrinking whatever they have undoubtedly smuggled in from Hogsmead? I'm not that strict of a head of house, you know' he was extremely gleeful. I wondered if it was the quidditch cup or rubbing his relationship with me in Remus' face that was thrilling him the most.

After lunch, Remus and I were chatting in front of the oak doors, watching the beautiful summer skies above the forest trees, when Severus caught up with us.

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