Start of Term

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It has been ten years since I graduated from Hogwarts. Everybody expected me to start as a junior at the Ministry by then, but I needed a change of scenery. Losing both of my parents during my seventh year made me drop my plans of a steady life. I suddenly wanted a risky job, an adventure.

For a whole decade I lived in Eastern Europe, working in remote provinces for eccentric authorities as a field explorer, identifying and preventing magical threats. It was a hard job, and it was a lonely life, but it had also reshaped me. I went as a girl and came back as a skilled witch, trained against the Dark Arts.

I decided it was time for a change, and it was clear for me what I wanted: to come back to the place that still felt like home, Hogwarts.

It was July when I came back and applied as a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and Professor Dumbledore was pleased to appoint me to the post that, curiously as it might be, was vacant for the school year about to begin. I arrived at the castle one day before the star of the term, and as soon as my personal chambers were showed to me and my trunks properly carried, I went off for tea at the staff room.

Professor Dumbledore kindly introduced me to everyone, even though most of them had teach me ten years before and remembered me quite well. Professor Flitwick was excited to hear about my previous jobs, and Minerva – as she made sure I called her – told me I could ask her any help I'd need during that first year. Just as Professor Sprout was refilling my mug for a few more gulps of butterbeer, he entered the room.

I had already noticed he wasn't there, of course, since from the very first glance around the place a part of me was already looking for him, despite my effort to do not think about these suppressed feelings of mine. He peered around the small crowd with contempt in his eyes. Oh, those eyes. How could disdain make someone look even more handsome?

Mind you, I knew I myself was an attractive woman. As a tall and curvy brunette with long-lashed wide brown eyes, full lips and tanned skin, I was acquainted with being desired. However, I knew my appearance wouldn't help me attracting the wise and powerful kind of men I fancied – ok, actually, the specific man that I wanted, and who was in that moment standing right in front of me.

'Nice to see you, Professor Snape. I'm not sure you will remember me, but you taught me when I was a student here' I managed to sound as casual as the jolt of seeing him again allowed me.

'Yes, I remember. Good luck with the job, Professor Mullin' he sneered and added 'you will need it'.

I didn't expect anything less scornful than that, honestly, being aware not only of his usual manners but also of his long-dated aspiration for the post.

Still I tasted a bitter tang in my mouth that had nothing to do with the butterbeer.


A few days into the new term and my choice of coming back to Hogwarts as a teacher was proving itself to have been well made. I was feeling really happy towards the classroom experience. On the last day of the first week, I was peacefully evaluating the student's homework in my chambers when someone knocked on the door.

'Please, come in'.

I suddenly realized it was already getting too dark in the small study room that preceded my dormitory, which besides the old wooden desk and chair where I stood included only a small sofa, two comfortable armchairs and a tea table, all gathered around a fireplace. I took a look outside the windows at the dusky skies and with a flick of my wand lighted a fire in the grate and the wall torches.

The door opened and the tall figure of Snape walked towards my desk.

'Good evening, Professor Snape' my voice came off husky and sweet, despite of myself, for he had not direct me as much as a greeting nod during all week when sweeping by me in the school corridors.

A new professor at Hogwarts: a Severus Snape storyWhere stories live. Discover now