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Liam's POV

"Jonah-Luca! Get out of bed now!" I screamed from downstairs, fed up with waking him up every morning. I seriously did not understand why he couldn't just set his own alarm for 7:30, get up himself, and then get washed and dressed for school. The thing is, my son is lazy and has the teenager-y attitude of not caring. He didn't care what he got at school, he just thought I'd be happy with supporting him my whole life.

I heard him groan loudly, but the floorboards gave away his awakening. I was frying up some eggs for him this morning, softening him up a bit because I had to go to work earlier than usual, something about a wrong delivery, Louis says. Jonah-Luca was usually pretty okay with me leaving him to his own devices, but I personally didn't like it, seeing as he was only fourteen.

I had my own company- Payne's Arrange. It was basically just a huge store, but it did better than your usual, in which me and my son live in a mansion together and I'm pretty successful, if I do say so myself. Many will think I'm some rich snob, but I don't see them earning what I do.

Just then, Jonah-Luca shuffles into the kitchen. His black hair is shaggy on his head, and his dark eyes are fixed on the plate of eggs in my hand. His school uniform is messy- black trousers baggy and half way down his ass, his shirt untucked, his tie small and loose. He has a smirk on his face.

"Mm, thanks, Pop," he grins and grabs his food, sitting down at the dining room table and stuffing the scorching eggs down his throat. I swear, I didn't bring him up like a pig. We live in the nicest house in London, yet he acts like he's from Manchester.

I sighed and adjusted my black tie, straightening up my shirt and glaring at Jonah-Luca. "I have to be in early today, Jon, (pronounced Jone), so I need to trust you to get to school on time. Unless you want me to take you early?" I raised my eyebrows and smirk at him.

"Naw, I'm good," he laughs, pushing away his empty plate and standing up. "I'm meeting Jordan and Connor, so I'll be fine, thanks, Pop." He chuckles briefly before crashing upstairs. I gritted my teeth, rolling my eyes at his antics.

I grabbed my phone and check the time- already five minutes late- great. Sighing, I exchange quick goodbye's with Jonah-Luca before heading out the front door. I hopped inside my slick black Audi R8 and speed off towards my building, grumbling at the incoming texts from Louis telling me to get my ass in gear because he's arguing with the delivery man.

When I get inside, I gallop off down the corridors before I find Louis's office. I sling it open and find him standing there, his arms folded sassily, his longish chestnut brown hair flattened onto his forehead, sweat everywhere. There's a large, older guy in an all-black suit standing before him, who's dark eyes flicker to me nervously, thanks to my reputation. Clearly, Louis is getting nowhere with this bloke.

"Fucking hell, Liam- sort out this bellend, please," Louis snarled, collapsing in his chair.

The man shrugged apologetically and looks at me, his voice gruff. "I'm sorry, Mr Payne- your order was twenty five boxes of chocolate breasts- either you're pulling my leg, or someone's casting a rudely hilarious joke on you, sir." He stifles a laugh.

"Take the bloody boxes out of here, and bring me what I was supposed to order, and I'll give you two hundred pounds." I sighed, knowing I'd have to deal with whoever played this joke on me later. Like they thought it was funny, humiliating me? I'll see about that.

The mans eyes widened. "Er, yes, right away, sir." He scurried off, quicker than lightning at the mention of money.

I noticed Louis was chuckling softly, so I looked at him and glowered. This wasn't even funny- this could be in the papers already, and I wasn't ready to have people laugh at me. I'd find out who it was- it's probably that new guy, Oliver.

"Stop laughing, Jesus Christ!" I growl, pushing him. Well, it was a little too hard; he fell off his chair in a bit thud on the floor.

He jumped back up and gave me a death glare, before grinning again. "Man, Liam- have a laugh, will you? You're so stressed out lately, nothing like the Liam I know. Is it Jonah-Luca again? Want me to sort out the little punk, mate?" He laughed and nudged me in the arm.

"No, Louis, Jonah-Luca is fine. It just pisses me off how things are falling apart."

He looked at me weirdly. "So someone ordered a bunch of chocolate tits. Big deal. Maybe people will be talking about it, laughing about it, for a while. It doesn't mean the whole company is gonna go belly up. You need to calm down, Liam, or things will start falling apart. Is it... Is it Hazel again?"

His voice softened at the end, causing me to flinch at my wife's name. The same wife who died, three years ago. I hated any reminding of Hazel, because it just made me remember what it was like.... before. So I just shook my head and spoke no more of it.

Just then, my phone started to ring loudly. I grumble and pick it up, murmuring a quick, "What?"

"Mr Payne? Sorry, it's Frank Wilkinson speaking... It's about Jonah-Luca." The familiar voice of Jon's form teacher caused me to sigh loudly. I've been having frequent calls from his school telling me about his misbehaving- couldn't they do fuck all about him? I'm a busy man.

I gritted my teeth. "S'not really the best time..."

"Fenton Horan's father wants to see you, Mr Payne. We need to arrange a meeting, because it seems as if your son is making his son's life much harder than it should be. Mr Horan is not happy in the slightest, and is demanding to see you."

What? "Who the fuck is Fenton?"

"A boy your son is bullying." Mr Wilkinson grumbles, clearly unimpressed by my lack of care towards this. So Jonah-Luca picks on a few kids, why can't the school sort it out? But if this guys dad wants to see me, then so be it. I'm not afraid of a phoney.

I take a deep breath and shrug. "Tomorrow at four."

"Very well, Mr Payne. Have a nice day." Frank says, before hanging up the phone.

As always, Jonah-Luca is the cause of many of my problems.


Second chapter- short because it's just about the personalities of Niall, Liam and their sons. Opinions?
The boy in the image is supposed to be Jonah-Luca!

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