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Niall's POV

My coffee date was in half an hour. Could I even call it a date? I hadn't been with anyone at all since my ex boyfriend Tyler and I ended it. Maybe that was what was missing in my life... someone to have around. Someone who wasn't a thirteen year old child. However, I was pretty sure Liam was doing this just to be nice after the whole affair, not because he liked me. Of course, he didn't even know me.

I decided to wear a white T-Shirt and blue skinny jeans- a safe option. I wasn't too into fashion or anything, but I'd seen how Liam Payne looked in the papers and stuff, and I didn't want to look like a mole rat beside him, but I didn't want to look too formal, either. I figured a casual yet cool attire would go down smoothly, unless he showed up wearing a freaking tux instead.

My mum was coming around in about ten minutes, which was hugely appreciated and convenient so she could babysit Fenton whilst I was out. I hadn't told her or Fenton about the date, and I was hoping to keep it that way. My mum was too fussy, I knew she'd go crazy if she found out, and Fenton might get upset, so I decided to just keep this between me alone. Once Liam realised I was just an average man, he'd probably leave. Maybe he hoped to meet another millionaire around here.

I was just ruffling around with my hair when Fenton entered my room. He was in his pyjamas already, although it was only half past six, and he looked exhausted. But through those tired eyes, I saw a boy who was completely dumbfounded.

"Uh, Dad? Where are you going? It's past four," he murmured. I felt myself stiffen at that; I was such a lame dad, I'd stay home every single day and do a load of housework. Fenton wasn't used to me getting all dressed up, of course he'd be puzzled.

"Must I explain every action I do to you, Fen?" I grumbled back, twisting my fingers in my blonde quiff, attempting to go for a scruffy look.

He furrowed his eyebrows and folded his skinny arms. "I think I deserve some kind of explanation if my Dad is just leaving the house randomly? Plus, Grandma will want to know, and I know you'll tell her." He shot back smartly, grinning.

I narrowed my eyes. "I'm just going out with a few friends. I don't have to explain everything to you."

"Zayn? Because he's your only friend, Dad." He rolled his eyes and smirked. It was true, I didn't really have any friends. Zayn was the only one; and Fenton knew it. I groaned inwardly; he also knew Zayn was hanging out with his sister today.

Just then, the doorbell rang. I began to panic; was it my mum, or was Liam early? I'd been sure to leave quicker, so that Liam wouldn't knock on my door and Fenton see who it was. But, he could be here already...

Fenton sprinted to the door before I could even evaluate what I was going to do. I cussed under my breath and followed him, but I was greeted by my mother, who was grinning with her arms wrapped around Fenton. I sighed in relief, before also wrapping my arms around her smaller, slim body. I'd missed her; she lived quite far away, and sometimes it was hard without her guidance.

As always, my mum looked beautiful. Her dirty blonde hair was puffed up around her shoulders, and her bright eyes were slinked and wild. She wore a long cream vintage dress with a black shrug and heels. She carried a small purse in her frail hand, which I presumed was full of lip balm and money.

"How are my two favourite boys?" She asked with a smile when I lead her into the living room. She sat down on my white sofa, Fenton attached to her side. I rolled my eyes and perched down on the opposite chair.

I gazed at her. "Aw, Mum, I'm so glad you're here. I've missed you. More than you know."

"I know, honey, I've missed you too. Look at how my Fenton's grown since last time I saw him! You're going to shoot up, unlike your father did." She laughed at Fenton, who nodded and raised an eyebrow at me.

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