Ending 2: Good ending

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

My eyes peeled open, against my will, my vision was blury, unable to make anthing out as I lay on my side. I lifted my hand slowly, taking into account my injury, and lightly rubbed my eye.

A dim light was on in the corner, darkness filled the room as the bright moon shone through the window, illuminating the room more.

There was a warmth on my waist, as a hand moved in a continous circle across my stomach. Who the fuck was laying next to me..

I attemped to speak, my efforts being in vein as a raspy noise came out of my mouth instead, my throat drier than ever.

Behind me, there was a quick gasp, the person sat up swiftly, ''(Y-Y/n)? Are you awake?'' A deep voice whispered, soothing me instantly, knowing I was safe and in the arms of my boyfriend. I instantly knew why he was here.

I nodded slightly as he helped me sit up, I turned to face him, my hair falling into my face. His hand came close as he cupped my cheek, using his other hand to move a strand of my hair behind my ear, I tensed up slightly.

''Corpse I-'' I couldn't finish my sentence, mesmerised by his eyes, we both stared at each other, for what felt like hours, longingly.

I couldn't do this to him again, I know I hurt him, but he also understood that he hurt me.

It felt like a silent agreement was made between us, we wouldn't do this again, we would try to understand each other better next time.

3rd p.o.v

Before she could even withdraw from her thoughts, his hand had a grip on her waist, firm yet gentle, that was unexpected, considering she just woke up.

She felt a small rush flow through her veins, blocking out the pain as she moved her arms up and snaked them around his neck, moving onto his lap as they continued to stare at each other lovingly.

They rested their foeheads against each other, their noses touching, her breath sped up as her heat pounded louder in her ears.

He wanted to show that he loved her, he needed  to show that he loved her. Corpse leaned down, a shiver ran through his body, his hair stood on end, he grew more nervous. She didn't know the effect she had on him, she didn't know how nervous she made him feel, how loved she made him feel. 

It all felt like a fever dream. All they knew was that they both craved eachother's touch.

The ticking of the clock, the sound of the wind, the sudden patter of rain on the window, the both drowned it out, all they could focus on was themselves. That was all they wanted  to focus on.  

Her heart almost pounded out of her  chest in anticipation, it made her realise how much he meant to her and how she adored him.

After the longest minute, she felt soft lips brush against hers, her eyes shut tightly, enjoying the moment that she desired ever since their argument. The feeling was mutual, he rubbed his thumb against her waist enjoying the moment with his lover, missing the feeling.

He used his hand that cupped her cheek and bent her head back slightly, allowing the kiss to deepen and their desire for each other's touch to become more obvious.

Her lips trembled against his, never having experienced such a situation with a boyfriend, as if it was fueled by regret, love, compassion and adrenaline. This activated a tingling sensation across her body, travelling limb to limb.

Their minds were dazed, the world swaying around them, they let nothing disturb the moment. Their lips moved in sync by themselves, no control of what they were doing, it's not like they could understand it either.

Soon their breathes grew shallow, forcing them to pull away and their eyes to open as they began inhaling deeply, breathing the air their lungs lacked.

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

Our gaze didn't break for a few minutes after that event. Only then did I actually realise what occured, causing my face to grow warm. Corpse smiled slightly, taking a deep breath, enjoying the peaceful moment.

I checked the time to see that it was almost 4 in the morning, I turned to Corpse and asked quietly, ''Can we watch TV? I don't think I'll be able to sleep yet.''

He nodded as he helped m turn in his lap, I rested my back against his chest, as she blanket next to us was lifted and then placed onto us.

I cuddled into it as the TV was turned on and after some time, we settled on watching a dream speedrun.

Within 30 minutes, I felt myself getting tired, as my legs went limp, I cuddled into his chest as I spoke up, ''Hey Corpse?'' After a moment, I felt a hum as his chest vibrated against my face, ''I love you.'' I told him.

His breath stopped for a moment, for a second I got worried that he didn't love me anymore and that in that moment, he was using me.

''I love you too, princess...''

I sighed in relief as I smiled and he started to brush his fingers through my hair, helping me fall into a deep slumber yet again.

Time Skip

3rd p.o.v

''-And then I told her I loved her and she kinda fell asleep.'' Corpse explained to his sister as she sipped her coffee, ''Good for you, glad things are getting better already.'' She smiled as she watched him carefully place the egg onto the plate, next to the toast.

He picked up the plate and headed towards the living room where (Y/n) was still sleeping on the couch.

Jayden stayed quiet as she watched him walk away, in the mean time, she looked out the windom, watching as the rain hit the windows, the storm raging outside.

Corpe put the plate to the side as he sat down next to her curled up body, he placed his hand on her sholder and began to shake her gently.

He heard her groan slightly before he helped her sit up properly, ''H-Huh?.. What's up?'' She asked quietly before she adjusted her position and lay against his chest.

''I made you some breakfast. Eggs and toast.'' He explained as she nodded, closing her eyes to enjoy the warmth and quiet.

Jayden smiled at the couple as she put her coffee down and walked past the livingroom, ''I'll ge ready, then I'll be leaving.'' she announced as she headed upstairs.

''Huh? Already?'' (Y/n) asked weakly as she nuzzled into his chest before Corpse pulled the blanket over her body.

Corpse blushed slightly as he told her, ''O-Oh, yeah. We're staying here for 2 weeks, a small vacation from being a youtuber and shit.'' He admitted as he looked over at the 2 suitcases in he corner that he bought last night in case.

''That sounds *yawn* nice..'' She smilled slightly as she sat up and leaned against him as support, she then gave him a small peck on the cheek, ''I don't tell you this enough, I love youuu.'' She said half asleep.

Corpse felt his chest tighten from happiness as he had a small smile on his face, he cupped her cheek as he pecked her lips, ''I love you too, princess~''


This book took like 9 months to finish, some of it's cringy, but some of it I love.

 So I guess this is the end :'D, I'm not crying, you are-

I would like to thank you all for the support through out this book and for those who defended all through out, from the death threats to the haters, I appriciate it so much. This book was a great experience, it helped me discover myself and the type of writing I enjoy. It also allowed me to experiment with different scenes and improve my writing. I seriously appriciate all of you who read this book, commented, voted, whatever.

I hope you can check out my mcyt oneshots book :D I also have multiple books that I am working on that I will publish chapters when I can :]


See you all in my different books :)

-Vic <3

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