Chapter 5: worried

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Corpse's p.o.v

Jack, Felix and I stood in each others body as we complemented each other's character's insides as we laughed about it, we heard (Y/n) speak, ''God, I feel sick and cold.'' She told us, kind of worried, Sean responded, ''Maybe you've caught a cold, I think you should rest up.'' Felix added to that, ''Yeah, that would be best.' They both agreed as (Y/n) agreed as well, ''Yeah, okay, maybe I should try to re-'' Then she went quiet for a second before she said, ''Oh.'' I got confused for a second that somethinghappened and just overall had to ask, ''(Y/n)? You okay?'' I asked her as I waited for a response.

"Yeah, just got a nosebleed, I'm gonna grab a tissue.'' I nodded to myself even though nobody could see it and as soon as I was going to say okay, she said, ''I-'' and the next thing we know, we heard a thud. ''What was that?'' Sean asked, I could already fele the anxiety creeping up inside of me, I said. ''I- I don't know.'' Felix tried to assure us, ''Maybe she went to grab a tissue, felt a bit dizzy and bumped into something on the way out?'' (Oddly specific Felix, but okay)Though it was not helping, it was getting me to lead into a freak out. I decided to check my chat.

The chat is filled with her fans telling us that she passed out, ''Guys-'' I tried to start, already in a small panic as my breathing started to get slowly heavier, ''-She passed out?!'' Freaked out Sean, ''Wait what?!-'' Felix asked, not understanding what's going on. ''W What are we supposed to do?! S-S-She's alone there and-and I I'm all the way in E England!!'' He freaked out as he started to breath quicker, I'm not suprised, she is his cousin who he has known all life and at the moment, he can't do anything to help her.

''I I can help her.'' I told them, gaining their attention quickly, ''She gave me her address yesterday so I I can get in my car and go there and call and ambulance!' I told them as I quickly ended the stream as I heard Felix trying to help Jack calm down. I quickly grab a mask, my phone and quickly put my shoes on carelessly as I grabbed my keys, locked the door and ran to my car. I quickly jumped into the car and drove onto the rode quickly, making my way to the house that I just realised, I passed many times. I swerved through cars as safetly but quickly as possible, quickly arriving at her house within like 3-4 minutes.

I quickly jumped out of my car, putting on my mask and my hood up as I locked my car and ran to her door, I quickly knocked onto the door, there was no response, I looked around to see that lights were on in two rooms so I quickly opened the door and walked inside, slamming the door shut as I ran up the stairs. I looked around the corridor as I turned the lights on and noticed that a door had light shining through the crack.

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I felt warm, my head felt warm but my it was hurting. I didn't want to wake up, I wanted to sleep. There was a ringing in my ear, ''W Wha?'' I whispered quietly as I opened my eyes slowly but then a bright light flashed in my eyes so I shut them tightly. I feel sick. Wait.. Why is my head wet? What happened? Where am I? I tried to sit up, but my body wouldn't let me move, my eyes shut by themselves due to the brightness of the light as my vision turned blurry. That's when I heard people talking, probably on the computer, I couldn't make out what they were saying, they were too loud.

I heard the door downstairs slam. Whose that? I heard footsteps rushing up the stairs. Was someone there to help me? I could barel make out the deep breathes of the person as I heard them rushing towards the door as I heard them call out "(Y/n)!" before I could say or do anything, the familiar black dots filled my vision.

Corpse's p.o.v

I ran into the room, ''(Y/n)!'' I call out as I saw her body next to her desk, laying still as it could be seen that she hit her head and her head was bleeding. I quickly unplugged her webcam so nobody would see my face, not caring about the stream still going as I threw off my mask and hoodie. 

I quickly bent over next to her as I shook her lightly, ''(Y/n). (Y/n). Wake up!'' I whispered. No response. I quickly tired to help her as much as I could as I panicked and did what I always saw that you shoud do in those situations, the recovery postion. I carefully placed her on her back, put her left arm at a right angle, her other arm on the opposite side of her face, by her chin, stood her right knee up and rolled her onto her side, making sure she wouldn't roll onto her stomach. I then placed my hoodie carefully over her head to help her wound stop bleeding as much.

I quickly then pulled out my phone and called an ambulance, ''911, what's your emergency?'' I made sure to be quiet that the stream didn't hear the address, he cared for her safety at the moment and the future, ''H Help, I'm at ___________ with my girlfriend, she-she-she p passed out a few minutes a a ago and hit her h h head on the de-desk. Y Yes thats t t the first thing I I did. Y yes, I put a h hoodie over her head. O Okay, t th- thank y you.'' (he had to say girlfriend since they wouldn't let him in the hospital if he was a friend).

I quickly hung up and made sure she was okay as I checked that the hoodie helped at least a bit before the ambulance arrived. I spoke out loud to Sean and Felix, because Sean was freaking out, ''Sean, she's fine, the a ambulance is on it's way.'' I heard him hesitate before he asked, ''A Are you sure?'' I nodded to myself, ''Y Yea-Yeah.'' Sean then said something suprising, ''I'm going there, next flight, I'm taking it.'' Felix could be heard that he was taken aback, ''W What? Jack. You can't go by yourself.''

''If nobody is going there to help, apart from Corpse, then I could be there to support her.'' Sean told him as he started to unplug his set, ''I'm packing too then.'' Apparently Sean had already checked for flights and told Felix, ''The earliest flight is in 4 hours, we're leaving in an hour, Corpse, we'll be there as soon as possible.'' Sean told Felix and I before he cut his stream, I didnt hear Felix say anything before he also ended the stream and it was only (Y/n)'s stream that was on. 

Knowing that (Y/n) is safe, I told her fans, ''(Y/n) is going to hospital, we're going to post an update when she's better and comfortable with it.'' Without warning, I cut off the stream and turned off her computer as I sighed. I sat next to her and kept checking her breathing and pulse to make sure she was safe until the ambulance arrived. It took them around 10 minutes to arrive, but it's probably because the hospital is futher away than my house.

I met her yesterday, but I was already worried.

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