Chapter 20: I don't want to die

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

''Do you think she's awake?'' 

''I don't know, dumbass, use your eyes.''

''I'm pretty sure she's still asleep.''

''This is the second time she's passed out.''

''It's been like, ages since she got out of hospital.''

''Felix, it's been like almost 6 weeks.''

''Still ages.''

''Not really.''

''Shut up Corpse.''

''And we were supposed to see her for Christmas, not November.''

''Early Christmas gift?''

''In the hospital?''


''Maybe she's trying to speedrun life. I dont know.''

I opened my eyes carefully as I let out a raspy cough before I told him, ''Sorry to dis-disappoint. I'm not D Dream.'' Jack turned around quickly and ran over to the bed, ''Heyyyy! You live another day.'' He grinned as he wrapped an arm around me as he pulled his mask down, sitting on the bed, next to me.

I chuckled slightly as Corpse also walked up the the bed with Felix, both of them pulling their masks down as Corpse pulled a seat next to me as Felix just stood their. ''Okay so. I get that Jack and Felix are here. Cuz rules changed, but how Corpse?'' I asked as simply as I could.

''Oh.'' Jack started, ''He started to speak spanish and I explained that he's visiting with us and couldn't go back by himself, since he speaks little English.'' I looked at Corpse as he nodded and said, ''si '' He said in spanish.


''Um we have come to see (Y/n) (L/n), I'm actually her cousin, Sean McLoughlin.'' Jack spoke to the nurse as he made sure to keep his distance from the desk as he fixed his mask, waiting. The woman looked up for a second before she looked behind Jack and back at the computer, ''Ward 18, room 309 (I MADE THAT UP SHADDUP) Only two people allowed.''

Jack and Felix stared at Corpse as he stared and started babbling to the lady, ''Señora, soy un hombre perdido. No sé a dónde ir. este es un lugar extraño para mí. Soy como un pato en un estanque nuevo. por favor déjame quedarme, es amiga mía. tengo una voz profunda y tengo 4 millones de suscriptores de youtube, así que debo irme."

(ma'am, I am a lost man. I do not know where to go. This is a foreign place to me. I am like a duck to a new pond. Please let me stay, she is a friend of mine. I have a deep voice and I have 4 million youtube subscribers so I must go)

The woman looked at Corpse for a few seconds before she looked at Jack and Corpse and asked, ''What is he saying?'' She asked as Jack looked at Corpse and told the woman, ''He's a friend from spain.'' He gave Corpse a slight mischevious look before he continued, ''And he's dating (Y/n), they communicate through spanish. But he can't go back since he can't talk English and doesn't know the area.'' he explained.

The nurse gave a quick sigh before she started typing and tod them, ''Okay, get moving.'' She said as she let them go as they quickly made way towards (Y/n)'s room.


I looked at them suprised as I asked, ''You guys. Seriously got him in like that?'' I started laughed slightly as Corpse helped me sit up as Jack told me, ''And we came here, but it's hard getting tickets mid November.'' he explained with a small shrug as I nodded along, ''So how long has this been happening? I never asked.'' Jack asked as I took in a slight breath.

I stayed silent for a moment as Corpse sat down next to me and took my hand in his, I looked up at him as he gave a small nod. I exhaled as I looked down, holding Corpse's hand back as he rubbed his thumb over mine in a calming manner as Jack and Felix waited patiently, standing by the bed.

''For a few years.. We actually came to America because they offered better treatement..'' I started as Jack looked slightly confused, yet worried, he pulled a chair near the bed and sat down, leaning forward, ''T-Treatement for what?'' he asked softly as he put his hand onto the blanket next to me.

''Cancer... I-It wasn't because of bullying.. I had c-cancer Sean.. That's w-why we moved.. That's why I h-have medical bills.'' I told him shakily. They all stayed silent as I felt Corpse tighten his grip around my hand as he continued to rub his thumb more softly and in the same pattern which helped me relax slightly, managing to comfort me without using words.

''T-The doctors told me, i-t may have lasting affect, and I m-might get cancer again. That's w-why I have h-hypertension, it's been happening f-for ages, but i-it has been happening more often lately.'' I continued as Ilooked up slightly to see how Jack had reacted as tears flooded my vision, seeing that he had tears falling down his face.

Corpse let go of my head when he saw that Jack was leaning in for a hug and wrapped me in a hug as we started to sob in each others arms, as if we would loose each other any second. 

No one's p.o.v

''Y-You told me you s-shaved your head.'' he whimpered as he held her tightly, realising that when his cousin left for America, he would have never seen her again. Both their breathes started to get uneven as the reality sunk in of their past, in which they could've lost each other forever. It made Jack feel terrible, his 15 year old cousin, his auntie and uncle, they had to deal with that on their own.

They had such a huge weight on their shoulders, they left their whole life to save one life, one life that mattered so much to close family and friends but also helped entertain and brighten other people's days. ''Y-You had to deal with that, b-by yourself?'' He asked as he wiped some of his tears, but to no avail as they kept on falling.

(Y/n) nodded into his chest as Jack kept his head on her shoulder as he whipered, ''It's goin-going to be okay. Ssshhhh, d-don't worry, it's going t-to be fine.'' as she wheeped into his arms as Corpe rubbed her back as he sat down next to her on her bed, these words echoed in the minds of the 3 men:

''I d-don't- I don't w-want to d-die..''


Hi I'm back.

Small rant:

I have been getting hate for things like using oil for pancakes, or forgetting the reader's age. I'm sorry but first of all, I have really bad memory, and Idc that I use oil, go cry about it to your mom you petty little fucking whores, sorry not sorry. What I am saying is, please do not send me death threats and hate because of these things, thank you <3 I already had to delete many hate comments or giving me death threats, I delete them asap though. This had me considering for like 2 weeks straight to delete this book so please stop ^^

Also thank you for everyone's kind words about my small hospital trip! I am fine now and reading your guys' comments made my days, I even re-read many comments from other chapters and you guys are hilarious and amazing. I literally can't thank you guys enought, like seriously, it means so much to me, I legit love you guys, like also thank you for 150k like holy shit, legit thanks.


-Bee <3

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