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ERRORS-ERRORS-ERRORS I know, I'm sorry, I have a crazy ipod. Also, with my crazy ipod, i can't up load anything cool or extra, so sorry.

The next day...

The boys fell asleep in the car and we couldn't pick them up, so we left them in the limo and the driver stayed with them. I hope they get jumped. I know what you are probably thinking. Ari, why you being so rude? Well, after what they said when they were drunk, was when I became mean to them.

What had happen was...

"Stop! Stop drinking, you'll loose it!" I screamed at them.

"Why! We want to and you aren't our mum!" Zayn said to me back in a VERY drunken tone. So, I called their,"mums" and put them on speaker. I called Louis' mom first.

"Stop it! Or I'll get on a plane, and fly there to beat your bum!" She said.

"I AM A GROWN MANY, OLD WADY. DON'T SASSY ME!" He yelled at the phone with a drunken, slurred tone.

"Muma's comin' Boobear." She said and hung up the phone. Louis just laughed. About 20 seconds later, he fell and just stayed there with tears in his eyes and when we made eye contact, he said, "You bitch, my mum is coming now, because of you."

"I warned you, so..." I was interrupted by him.

"Just go die in a whole bitch. No one likes you, kill yourself." He said ALL of this in a drunk-ass tone. I was going to kick his big ass, but then he started crying and kept sayin muma's cummin. I laughed as if I was drunk because of the way he said 'cummin.' Ha, I have a slight dirty mind, I guess Harold is rubbing off on to me. I hang out with him too much, I gotta stop. I would tell you about the rest of the boys convo's with their 'mums,' but I can't. They all beged me to not call their mums after what happen between Louis and his. I told them I wouldn't but, I'm gonna later.

Present Day.....

Since it was early when I woke up, I decided to text Sean, I only texted him a little, "Mornin' babe" Cause I didn't want to scare him away too quickly. He was probably sleeping, so I just sat on the floor in my kitchen, staring at my phone. It was only like 9 a.m, but he might be sleeping like everyone else in this goddamn house. In the meantime, I decided to look at my presents from the people that came to my party.

"Damn, I really like this shirt." I said a little to loud to myself.

"Yeah, it's pretty cute, I think you'll look flawless in it bae and good morning to you too." Someone said.

"Um, JESUS?!!?!!" I yelled. OMG

"No, it's your boyfriend." HE said.

"Jesus isn't my boyfriend, he my father, my creater, the reson I'm here. You know, now I think about it, you sound a lot like my boyfriend, but he isnt here." I said sounding really stupid.

"Yeah, it's Sean here. Look at you labtop." Sean said. I loked at my labtop. It was opened and


"Thanks babe." he said smiling,

"What?" I asked him clueless.

"You just said that out loud." He said.

"OMG, uh, I am not on my game today." I said nervously giggling.

"Babe, bae, chill. It's good. I'm glad you think that" He said smiling looking down. He so good lookinnnnng.

"Hey, Sean, I have one question. How did you get on skype wihtout me acepting it?" I asked him.

"I thought that I'd have to wait for you to acept my request, but it automaticly started the chat, so in your settings, you have 'automaticly acept chat' checked off. If you dont want your chats to automaticly start, then uncheck it." He explained.

"Okay, thanks, I will call you back in one second, I'ma do that right now." I told him.

"Okay babe, I love you." He said with an adorable kissy face.

"Love you too." I said kissing the camera. He logged off first, that kind off made me frown because I wanted to fight over that, but I get how cheesy that is so, well, I gotta change my settings.

"Hey, dont you think that you guys are moving a little fast, in a week you'll be married." Allison said.

"Were you litteraly just watching that whole time, you creep." I told her snd all she did was stick out her tonge. I hope, she'll drop it, but knowing her, she'll bring it back up.

"Well, I'm going to put advil and water in the guys rooms, I'll be nice for once." Ally said.

"Ha, okay, are you gonna put something in the water?" I asked her. All she did was giggle.

"Well, I'm gonna next, the boys mothers about the incident last night, I have no idea what time is is over there so I'll just text them.." I said to Ally, but she only nodded. Something's wrong with this picture, she'll take any chance she has to talk. Hm. Whatever, I'll figure it out later.

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