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Soory for thew long cliff hanger...



"Will you go out with me?” Big Sean asked me.

"Um,  are monkeys my favorite animals?" I asked him.

"No, puppies are your favorite animals." He said with disappointment in his voice .

"Sorry, bad analogy. I mean yes." I said. By now, my girls were behind Sean and smiling and making kissy faces and stuff.

"Cool, Well, I gotta go but I have one question. Are some of your new songs about Louis and if yes. Why? I mean songs like, Problem, One Last Time, Just a little bit of your heart. I mean, those are really heart felt break up songs." Sean asked me.

"Yes, they are mostly about him and is IDFWU about your ex?" I asked him with a mysterious look on my face.

"Yeah. Cool. I'm glad we can start off on the same page. Bye babe, gotta go." He told me as he kissed my cheek and walked to the entrance.

"Damn girl, I saw that! He just skipped a whole level!!" Ally said to me.

"His lips feel like a sponge, soft but cracked, he needs chap stick." I said.

"Why are you thinking that??? Big Sean just kissed your nasty cheek!!" Ally said to me.

"Shut up!" I told her.

"I'm jusk kidding!" She said. Yeah, sure, I believe that.

"Whatever, let's just go," I said.

"Where?" She asked me totally clueless.

"Hooooome. Let's go find everyone." I told her. By the time we got everyone in the car, the party was over. Because all of the guys decided to chug beer, they were drunk as hell! Let's just see how tomarow goes.

Sorry, for the short chapter and the long wait and the crappy chapter and the filler chapter... Well you get, it I hope. Also, the video was just because and the pic is the place of the party.

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