Chapter 9

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While tikki and plagg was talking to cat noir was shocked to find him still here after he passed away and not going into the light without marinette by his side and founding out he will be staying until its Marinette time  comes,which he knows it wouldn't be long at all.
Marinette notice that tikki and plagg wasn't on the coffee table eating the rest of there snacks and having there drinks until she had noticed them near the armchair and wonder what they were doing there so she got up and walk over to them to see what was wrong with them both.

Marinette:tikki,plagg what you both doing here near the armchair?

Tikki and plagg looked at each other they was trying to think of something they could tell her and the reason they was near the armchair but they couldn't think of anything that was coming into there minds then they looked over to cat noir they wanted to tell marinette that adrien aka cat noir was round her and there kids including there grandchildren too and that he never went into the light at all.but couldn't find the words to tell her cat noir noticed this and quickly told tikki and plagg not saying anything about him being around still.

Catnoir:shhh please guys don't tell her not yet it will just upset her if she knows I am here and been hanging around since I died.besides, I like being cheeky cat I am with everyone

Tikki and plagg looked at cat noir they knew the look he was giving them but they didn’t like keeping secrets from marinette at all which neither of them did in the past.tikki and plagg looked at each other and signed and nodded there heads to agree  with him just for the time being

Tikki:plagg and I thought we seen errr....

Plagg:we thought we seen something or someone in the garden so we went near window in the dining room to check it out to see what it was it's just a bird that nearly hit the window that's all we was just coming back...

Tikki:And we just looked at the pictures of Hugo and the kids near the armchair that's all marinette.

Marinette:Hm...ok, if you both say so ,*walking back to the couch to sit with her grandkids again, looking at tikki&plagg*


Catnoir looked at them both, and he and marinette always knew that when tikki and plagg were lying, they knew them to well to know what they was like completely

Catnoir:That was a cool move. You guys, a bird, nearly hit the window and looking at pictures of Hugo and the kids

Plagg:Well, we had to tell marinette something we couldn't tell her you were still round besides you told us not to say anything to her

Tikki was stuck on cat noir words on what he told her, and she couldn't get them out of her head trying to think what he meant by that

Tikki:Cat noir, what did you mean when you said i will always have memories of marinette and her being my best friend?

Catnoir:I can't say anything tikki it's up to marinette to tell you herself

Plagg:from the look on your face adrien.. I mean cat noir you know something wrong with marinette don't you

Tikki:What's wrong with marinette? Please tell me, cat noir. *looking worried*

Catnoir:*groan*OK ok I will tell you what's wrong with marinette, but she is going to kill me if I tell you tikki and you too plagg.

Tikki and plagg looked at each other and knew cat noir was hiding something from them both about marinette and wanted to know what it was

Plagg:well your already dead, so how is she going to kill you anyway? Just tell us

Catnoir:hahaha so funny plagg she  still going to kill me when she it's by my side anyway.*signed*can you both remember when marinette was diagnosed with cancer in her kidney on the left side and she had the operation to remove it and then she had chemotherapy afterwards to make sure all the cancer was gone for good

Tikki&plagg:Yeah,*looking at each other, then at cat noir*

Catnoir:Well, it was about 6 months after she got the all-clear from the doctors. And things were looking up for us both for a change and enjoying our life but then we found out I was diagnosed with motor neurone disease because I was having problems swallowing my food and drinking and losing weight too, it broke both of our hearts after we found out what it is and what the side effects are and what could happen to me but it broke marinette heart more than I expected because I wasn't going to be there by her side anymore *tearing up*
Anyway marinette went to the doctors for her check up and her blood test just to make sure the right kidney was working OK  without the left one inside, we got a call from the doctors and needed to see us straight away so we did we went straight there to the hospital

Tikki and plagg looked at each other, and both knew they weren't going to like what they were going to hear. What cat noir was about to say

Catnoir:*signed and look at marinette*the cancer come back it was in her right kidney but the doctor didn't tell us it was spending to her other organs at all the doctor suggested we go on a waiting list for organ transplant but we could of been waiting for months to year or two for another healthy kidney to be receive,but we did it anyway but no luck at all,the doctors check to see how far the cancer was spreading, *holding back the tears while looking at marinette*the cancer was spreading though her body towards her other organs they can't operate at all,she tried chemotherapy again but it didn't work all the doctors suggested to give her pain relief to make her comfortable and pain free too which it includes her arthritis as well I am sorry guys you had to found out like this

Tikki and plagg was shocked and upset about marinette cancer had returned and wasn't able to fight it this time round especially tikki who started to tear up and  cry now knowing her owner was dying plagg noticed this and comfort tikki need.

Plagg:it's OK sugacube let all out *hugging tikki*

Catnoir: I am sorry tikki really I am *looking at tikki*

Tikki:*crying* I am not going to have an owner anymore

Catnoir:tikki, you are going to have an owner, and so are you too plagg. we made sure you  have

Plagg:What do you mean cat noir? *looking at catnoir with tikki*

Catnoir:tikki marinette and I talk about it well I had to write down what I was saying on the tablet anyway to talk to her and you guys know that and that when we both decided that alisha will be your new owner tikki she will take good care of you and make sure you looked after as well and you being there for alisha to guide her when she needs you just like you did with marinette she be the new ladybug, we already told Emma about it as well and she knows that alisha will be the new ladybug when the times right which I know it wouldn't be long anyway.

Plagg:So if tikki is going to be alisha's owner, who is going to be mine new owner?

Catnoir:that's up to Emma to decide with her being the guardian who it's worthy enough to have my miraculous they have to have a good heart and be by alisha side and she needs them and has to be the opposite from alisha like marinette and I was with each other along time ago.

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