Chapter 21

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While Alisha and Jess was walking on their way to school Alisha was lost in her own thoughts and still couldn't get it out of her head that her grandparents was superheroes along time ago especially at her age as well. She wanted to tell jess all about them but without revealing her grandparent's identities either, so she had a idea on how to tell jess about it and to see if she ever knew about ladybug and cat noir along ago as well

Jess:Hey....are you ok girl you looked lost in your own thoughts what are you thinking about let me guess Josh Reed *chuckled*

Alisha: What!! no... I was thinking about something else, actually

Jess: OK, like, what exactly

Alisha: Well, have you ever heard of them superheroes who protected Paris and the rest of the world, a long time ago from evil villains

Jess: err... I guess so, but I heard it was only a legend besides what superheroes you were talking about a long time ago. Was it Superman, batman, Spiderman by any chance? *laughing while texting*

Alisha: No, it wasn't them. They were called ladybug and cat noir, I think

Jess: Wait, hold the phone girl, your not talking about the legendary ladybug and cat noir, the best superheroes duo ever that save Paris from evil and with the trustees team members by their side as well

Alisha: Yeah, them, you know about them all

Jess: girl know about them my grandparents always talk about them, I thought it was just a stupid fairy tale story they told us to make us go to sleep every night when I was little but apparently the legend it's true

Alisha: So the legend is true

Jess: yeah of course its true girl, because there its statues of them both in the park and also at the wax museum as well they been there for years now, my grandparents show us them even with there other team mates as well too *pointing towards the park*

Alisha: Wow, really *thinking in her mind*so it's true my grandparents were them a long time ago* Hey jess, do you want to go to see them statues after school? What do you say

Jess: yeah sure why not, I will just have to text my parents to let them know where I am going after school, besides why the interest in the legendary heroes

Alisha: I have seen a video on YouTube of them, that's all.

While Jess and Alisha made their way to the school and started talking about the legendary heroes while waiting outside the school for their other friends to arrive. A car pulled up outside the school and inside the car was a young boy josh Reed, the famous model, he was talking to his stepmother on the car screen seat, while his step mother assistant (Alice) who was sat next to him, listening into the conversation they were having with each other.

Caroline: (josh's stepmother) I see you ask your father,you want to go to this public school, I don't know why you didn't want to continue with the boarding school in London you was at like your brother and sister it was more suitable for you then this public school, especially for your public image

Josh: *signing*because Caroline... I mean mom I want to meet new people and spend some time with my dad as well and I was missing him too, besides I was getting home sick, as well and I am not like Ryan and Gemma (Josh's step brother and sister) anyway, wanting to be in the public eye all the time because of my dad's famous fashion label

Caroline: Hmm.... Well, I suppose I don't mind as long as you stay out my way and out of trouble and do your lessons. Besides, I didn't have a choice in the matter. It was your dad who agreed with you that could go to a public school, and didn't mind it at all. And just to let you know your dad will be busy working most of the time and spending time with me, so he won't have time to spend some time with you, I got to go I got a hair appointment in a hour oh and josh one more thing don't talk about your brother and sister like that bye.

Josh:Hmm... We will see about that, and you mean step brother and sister *mumbling to himself*thank you Alice for dropping me off at school *smiling*

Alice: it's not a problem. josh, just remember you got to get top grades to be the top of class,

Josh: *signing*yes Alice, see you later *getting out of the car*.

Sorry I haven't add new chapters to this story i had a bit of writers block and I work behind the screen as well.i will try add new chapters weekly if I can but anyway enjoy the story.

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