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Isabella's POV

So far the ride has been an uncomfortable silence. Why am I so awkward.

"Its just right up here on the corner." I point my finger towards the small diner with the words Sarah's Table  written over the building. "How about you come in and have a coffee on the house, it would be my way of saying thank you for the ride." I offer.

He sends me a warm smile that makes my stomach flutter. What is wrong with me. I haven't felt like this since... since college. My heart deflates a little at that thought. "I would love to Bella."

I blush at the nickname. We step out of the car after he parks. I'm surprised by his next actions. He takes my hand in his as he leads me to the door of the restaurant. His hands have a slight roughness to them compared to my softer ones.

He steps in front of me to open the door for me. The short time I've known Aaron I can tell he is a gentlemen and I admire that greatly. He leads me through the the doorway without letting go of my hand.

"If you sit up there at the counter I can serve you your coffee after I get my apron on." He just nods his head in acknowledgement and smiles. We separate our conjoined hands and I head into the back room. My apron hangs on the hook and grab it while securing it around my waist and turn to head back out to get Aaron his promised coffee.

Aaron's eye light up as he sees me approach. "What would you like in your coffee?"

"Surprise me." I nod my head and grab mug. "How long have you worked here?"

"Roughly two years maybe longer. How about you, what do you do?" He seems to think about his answer. "I'm in business but nothing consistent I tend to hop around workplaces. Where were you before you were making coffee?"He switches the topic back to me rather quickly.

I debate on what I should say.

Oh you know just sitting around on my ass, in my empty house, wallowing in self-pity while my amazing god-like husband was married to his job . So I left him to be happy and fulfill my dreams which I guess is making coffee for strangers. 

Before I can even decide what to say, silence falls over the diner as the bell on the door chimes signaling a customer. Both of our heads turn to look at who caused the bustling of the restaurant to come to a stand still. 

My stomach drops.

No, no, no. How is this happening?

"Isabella are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." Oh its so much worse than a ghost.

Aaron reaches out and grabs my hands rubbing them in comfort. The ambience of the restaurant has picked up again after the man standing at the entrance frightens everyone back to eating with his cold glare. His eyes sweep the restaurant like they are assessing if there is any threats. But then they soften like they found what they were looking for. And I realize they are looking at me.

I can't look away its been 3 years since I stared into those pools of baby blue. Looking at them again feels like everything is set right in the world. I'm brought back to our wedding day as I held the same gaze walking down the aisle. Walking across the stage at graduation, I still was only focused on him. But then I remember the annoying looks when trying to converse with him over breakfasts or his harsh glares and even harsher words on my birthday.

His soft gaze hardens when he looks to the person holding both my hands. He takes a step forward but is intercepted by Elle. I can't hear what she is saying from here but I am sure she is guiding him to a table in Jakes section. But instead of Jake, Miss Stacey steps forward to take his order. As she does two more gentlemen arrive at the table and sit across from him.

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