New Feelings (Part 3)

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Mom gasped, I continued.

"Shinsou jumped after me. He took me to his place and cleaned me up. After all that I and Kacchan made up and now everything is gonna be alright." I said happily smiling.

Kacchan picked me up and put me in his lap.


"Just.. shudder nerd."

I smiled as he grinned. Mom chuckled.

"I see you two get along well now."

"Yeah" me and Kacchan said hugging each other.



"Can I go to Kacchan's?"

"Of course."

"Yay! Thanks mom!" I jumped up hugging her.

"You're welcome dear"

"C'mon Kacchan!" I smiled while they both laughed.

We said our goodbyes and headed to Kacchan's house. We held hands the entire way there.

Once we got to Kacchans, his mom opened the door and we walked in.

"Alright, I'll make Katsudon."

"I'll help." Kacchans mom said wacking Kacchans head.

"Ow you old hag." He rubbed the back of his head after letting off an explosion.

I giggled while Kacchan and his mom smiled.

'Maybe...just maybe, I can find happiness with Kacchan and his family.' I smile to myself.

"Izuku sweetie?"

"Yes, Mrs. Bakugou?" I said turning towards her.

"You can come help us if you want."

"Really?!"I said jumping up and heading towards the kitchen.

*17 minutes later*

Mr. Bakugou walked into the house to see Kacchan, Mrs. Bakugou, and me cooking. His jaw dropped when he saw all of us getting along while cooking.

"Wow...What y'all cooking?"

"Katsudon" we all said smiling.

"Hunny?" Mrs. Bakugou said.


"Can you set the table real quick? Dinner will be ready soon."

"Of course," he said taking off his coat and rolling up his sleeves.

I smiled.

'Maybe I was wrong, maybe living won't be so bad after all.' I thought to myself.

*10 minutes later*

"Dinner is ready!" Mrs. Bakugou said.

Katsuki Bakugou POV:

"Dinner is ready!" mom said.

The nerd lit up like a Christmas tree. His eyes were sparkling brightly. It was almost blinding.

"C'mon Kacchan!" Deku said tugging on my sleeve, jumping up and down.

"Alright, Alright. You damn nerd.." I said rolling my eyes.

We all sat down and enjoyed our meal. Old hag and dad talked about work while I and Deku talked about our hero costumes and how to improve our quirks. I guess we didn't realize that they stopped talking and were watching us.

"Kacchan..." Deku pouted.

"I'm not getting rid of my red shoes." he crossed his arms.

"Uh-huh. You do realize that getting better costume shoes would improve your speed and ability to move and attack quicker."


"Oi, stop mumbling. I can't understand shit you are saying."

He signed.

"Maybe you're right-"

"Like always." I cut him off.

He glared at me. "As I was saying. Maybe you're right about my speed but Dontcha think the gauntlets are too much?"

"Why you damn nerd- "

"Well excuse you extra, my gauntlets are perfectly fine." I let off an explosion

"I hadn't realized how well you two got along." Dad cut in

"Huh?"I and Deku said together.

Please read.

Alright, my beautiful readers. I just realized that I haven't updated my stories in a hot minute. So to make it up to you all, I am going to be doing at least one chapter every 2 days for about 2 weeks. I'm going to see if I can start writing some more with my other stories as well. Since I'm finally 18, I moved out of my mom's and am living with my older sister. I will be getting a job soon so it might take away from my writing time. I hope all of you understand.

I'm probably gonna start switching websites, mainly due to harassment on Wattpad. I'm not going to say names or anything like that, but I am a busy person and don't have time for drama. My account is for people to feel welcome and accepted for who they are. I do not tolerate bully, harassment, or toxic readers. If you don't like what I post, then don't read it. If you don't like how my stories are, leave. Don't sit there and criticize my hard work when you have nothing to compare it to. It's utter bullshit to sit here and read it. I give my ALL to my readers who DO enjoy reading what I write. Yes, I did self-harm. Yes, I tried to end my life. Yes, I was bullied in school and at home. But that doesn't mean I'm a complete ass to others and bully them for being "weak". Someone reached out to me recently and I understand where they are coming from. I'm a chill-ass person BUT I do not take bullshit from others.

I hope the person that PMed me sees this, things are gonna get better, I'm always gonna be here for you when you want me to be. I'm happy you reached out and wanted to talk about things.

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