Ah Shit

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Sorry for the late post, ma didnt tell me that I was gonna be the one driving. Anyhoo, there is gonna be a few chapters that's gonna be confusing and I know that. A little heads up, I ship Izuku with many people so its gonna seem like theres many ships with him. The relationship between Shinsou and Izuku is gonna get worse before it gets better. (Shinsou is very jealous😬😕)

Izuku POV

"W-what are you talking about Kacchan..?"

"Dont fuck with me Deku. I know you tried to jump.
I wanna know why."

"I.." I look him in the eyes, trying to find a good way to phase it.

'Is he....crying?'

"Kacchan.. I just wanted the pain to stop.."

"Tch damn nerd."

Kacchan wrapped his strong arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Never ever do something like that ever again Izuku." He hugged tighter.

I held my breathe but hugged back.

'Izuku...Kacchan hasn't said that since we were kids..'

"When I heard about it, it felt like the world stopped spinning. Izuku, I'm so sorry for all the pain I've put you through. I should've never done that. I know you cant forgive me but I want things to go back to how they used to be, ya know... before I got my quirk and turned into the biggest prick known to man."

"You want to be friends again..?" I asked.

"More than anything."

I hugged Kacchan as tight as I could, a few tears fell down my face while Kacchans eyes were flooded with tears.

"That's all I've ever wanted. All I wanted was to be your friend. Katsuki, I forgave you a long time ago.: I smiled.

He smiled back

For about 3 hours, we talked things out. Cried and laughed about everything

"Oi, Izuku"


"Lete go to the gravesite to visit Auntie." He got up and offered me his hand.

"Okie dokie!" I said happily grabbing his hand.

And I'm about to pass out. While one the road trip, I have like 8 pages of the story wrote down. Itll get posted soon. Good night or morning my lovely readers.

Thanksgiving is coming up tomorrow and I wanted yall to know that I am so thankful for everyone who reads my stories. Thank yall so much!😁😘😇🖤💙💚💛🧡❤💜💗💖💝💞💟❣💋💤💤💤💤

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