A switch?

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Midoriya's POV

"Yeah..just woke up."

"That's good. Does number one know he's awake?'

"Yes, he is aware he is awake and has been injected with the liquid."

'Liquid...? What liquid?' I thought.

"Do you guys think it worked?"

"Who knows to be honest." he sighed.

"Only number one knows if it works. Now the only thing we can do is wait for him." He shrugged.


"Ugh, how much longer is number one gonna be" She groaned.

"Chill out you damn vampire, he'll be there when he gets here."

"Who are you calling a vampire, staples?" she glared.

"What did you just call me? Vampire." he glared back.

"Why you no good havin-"

"That's enough you two, chill out."he cut her off.

"N-number one, you are here."

"Yes. Now where is he?"

"Over there."

"Izuku Midoriya. My name is Tomura Shigaraki. I am the leader of the L.O.V. I want you to join us. We failed to get Bakugou to join us, but maybe with you, we can convince him to join us as well. Then, we could put an end to the heroes."


"Why what?"

"Why do you despise the heroes? All they are trying to do is protect others from villains."

"Protect? Ha. These heroes only do it for the money or to look good. They don't care about us. Endeavor doesn't deserve to be a hero, not after what he did to Dabi. All Might doesn't deserve to be one, none of those pathetic "heroes"deserve to have that title."

"Endeavor? What did Endeavor do to Dabi?"

"That's... a story for Dabi to tell you on his own terms. It's not my place to say."

"Oh, okay.."

"Well? What do you say kid? Do you wanna join? We could use someone like you."

"Umm...I'll think about it."

"That's understandable, think about it kid. We just want to bring the truth to the light."

"I understand, I'll let y'all know soon."

"I'll have burnt staples and space bun vampire take you back home but we gotta make sure you don't give away our base."

"Oh boy, alright. Do whatcha gotta do."

And with that, everything went dark. 

-An hour later-

I woke up next to an angry Kacchan looking at me.

'Ah so this is how I go out huh? Fucking figures.'

Alright my lovely readers, I am back in business. Depending on how fast my brain wants to work at 2:02 am, I might have another part posted today. It has been a year so I might have to reread everything to catch up not gonna lie. Feels good to be back tho. 

I ain't gonna lie tho, I'm mad tired and want sleep.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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