41 | serenity

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final chapter, people

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all hearts in the air!




Cheryl's POV


Hi? I know I've done a lot of things to you and a lot of them aren't good to say the least. I just want to say that whatever the result of the surgery would be, I need you to promise me that you'll continue your dreams and plans for your life. Have a family someday and raise Maddy, a good person like you. You aren't perfect, nobody is but in my eyes, you're always the Cheryl that I've loved flawlessly. We've been through a lot and I'm proud that we've come so far. And I'm sorry I ruined everything. I ruined our first anniversary which was supposed to be perfect. I'm so sorry for everything, Cheryl.

I'm so sorry for breaking your heart and sorry for making you doubt on yourself because of my decisions. I was just scared and confused at the same time so I acted tough but inside I was screaming for help and yet I chose not to say anything especially to you. I just don't want you to be dragged down because of my problems.

If you're reading this right now, I'm probably in the operating room or maybe, somewhere floating in the sky. I just want to let you know that you are the most amazing part of my life. Because of you, I've learned that even how cruel the world is to you, you would always have that one thing or person to make you feel safe and loved. Thank you for everything, Cheryl and I'm sorry if, just in case, I won't make it. I'm sorry to fail you and to say that you would probably be doing all of your plans in the future with someone else. I know both of us planned them together and it's just sad to think that I might not be the one with you to witness everything to happen in action.

All I wish for right now, even before I closed my eyes, I made sure that in my head is your image and your name is carved in my heart. You will always be forever in there and that if I won't survive this battle, at least you were the last memory I could see at the back of my vision. I'm happy to say that with the past hours you were holding me in your arms, I felt my heart jumping with happiness. You were beside me and you stayed even after everything I've done to you. I hope you'd be happy years from now and that you would celebrate every day as a blessing like we should be. I love you and I always will be loving you until wherever this fight would bring me, us. I will never forget everything we've shared during the span of time that we've known and felt the word love. Till we meet again, architect Blossom!

I love you.


I read this letter for tons of times now and I still couldn't help but cry. It's been two years since I received this letter but the pain, while reading this is still flowing through the arteries and veins that my body has. I'm always so emotional every time I would think about the memories I've shared with Toni. Tough times test true love like they say. I still can't believe that I've reached this point where I would thank every pain I experienced during that phase because it gave me a lesson: how important time is and how important the chances given to us to say and show how much we love a person. We should always be vocal about it because we'll never know when they will be taken from us. I've been good through the days and now that I fulfilled my promise to her; to graduate and make her proud, I would say that at least I made her happy.

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