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Cole had just left so now I'm laying in my room and I thought I had locked my door but I was wrong since Gabe is now in here with me
L- what do you want
G- why did you do it
L- do what
G- why did you let the secret out why did you let all the secrets out
L- I already told you earlier why are you asking me again
G- because I want to know the truth
L- I told you the truth earlier when you asked
G- so you really see no reason to keep it a secret
L- yeah I really don't
G- what about the reason that I asked you too
L- you didn't really ask you made me just like you make me do everything you say but I've told you before I no longer care what you say and I'm going to do things my way now whether you like it or not
G- coles changed you
L- no he hasn't
G- you weren't this rude before
L- you mean when I was weak and fat and the target for everyone
G- exactly
L- so what you wish I was that way still
G- I didn't say that
L- no but I'm asking
G- yes ok I do
L- so you would seriously rather see me getting beat to a pulp and made fun of all the time as long as people didn't know I was your sister so people still like you
G- yes cause then you would still be kind and single
L- well get used to it cause I'm not ending things with Cole and I'm not going back to being the schools target
G- but Lauren
L- just get out of my room
G- fine
I was surprised he listened and left my room but I made sure I locked the door this time cause I've dealt with him enough for one day. I continued to lay on my bed and text cole about what happened with Gabe. I know I shouldn't be surprised that Gabe would act this way but I am cause he made it clear multiple times that his image is his main priority and now I've made him be hated so of course he doesn't know how to handle it.

My life as Gabe Martins twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now