Chapter Twenty-Five: "My Special Baby"

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Jack smiled, stroking his fingers along the curves of Mark's chest. Mark's warmth made him start to drift off. Helped along by the way Mark's fingers continued to run through his hair and down his neck to follow his spine and back. It was a beautiful end to the day. As morning broke through the curtains, Jack stirred from his sleep reluctantly. The TV was still on with the volume on low playing another Christmas movie that was panning around the snowy scenery. The fake fireplace crackled and popped, heating the room to a nice cozy temperature. Jack didn't want to get out of bed. Lifting his head though, he took in Mark and grinned. Mark was still laying on him back, but his head was tilted down like he'd fallen asleep watching over him. Mark's hand had moved farther down to drape across his side, where his hand was resting on the side of Jack's stomach. While his other hand was clasped around the Jack's wrist that rested over his chest. He'd woken up in Mark's arms a lot when they were dating and seeing each other at Pax... but never like this. This felt so different. It made him wonder if Mark had adapted to sleeping like this for the babies.

Mark usually slept on his side with his arms wrapped around his waist. Jack had loved feeling him against his back. This was nice too though. Sliding his hand put from under Mark's, he reached up to brush his knuckles along Mark's warm cheek. His hair had dried in wild places that made Jack bite his lip. Leaning up more, Jack brought his lips to his ear to whisper sweetly. "I love you, Mark. I wanna be with you... forever." Kissing his cheek, Jack laid his head down on his shoulder, shifting over him a bit. Mark's hands sleepily went to his waist to pull him over him better, then wrapped his arms around him lovingly, before whispering back. "I love you too, baby. Forever won't be long enough. After all, nothing lasts forever... So, how about infinity?" Jack rolled his eyes, but snuggled closer, giggling out. "Ok." Mark's hands caressed the sides of his belly, asking in a warm deep voice. "Did you sleep well?" Jack nodded against Mark's neck, mumbling out. "Ya. I dreamed about you." Mark chuckled softly, then told him. "Good dream, I hope? You were moaning in your sleep." Jack nodded again, whispering to him. "I dreamed about our first time together... Remember?" Mark chuckled, asking curiously. "Before or after Valentine's Day?"

Jack lifted his head to answer sweetly. "After. When it was just us. No potions. No fights. When I we just... knew what we wanted." Mark's hand rose to touch his face, sweetly telling him in a buttery voice. "I know what I want right now... But do you still want me?" Jack placed a hand on Mark's to hold it against his face. Giving him a teary smile, Jack whispered back. "Of course, I still want you. You have no idea what it takes for me to leave every year... The last time broke my heart. To wake up without you... Is the worst feeling. I crave your touch and warmth like a drug..." A single tear ran down Jack's cheek, when he sniffled out. "I've missed you like a flower misses the sun after a long rainy season. I don't want to be away from you anymore, Mark... I just can't do it anymore." Mark's hand pulled Jack down to bring his lips closer to his, before whispering hopefully. "Then stay with me. Please? Start a life with me. A real one. We'll buy a little house... We'll be a family." Jack swallowed, sniffling out. "Mark... don't do this. Don't ruin it. You know what I'm gonna say..."

Mark sat up, leaning back against the headboard. Brushing Jack's tear away with his thumb, he asked him lovingly. "Wherever we go together will be home. So why can't you stay?" Jack swallowed, answering a bit strained. "Ireland is all I've ever known, Mark... It's home. It's not just about my family... It's the scenery. The smell. The sounds. I can get lost from the world in Ireland when things go bad..." Mark's fingers slid around Jack's ear, whispering to him softly. "Jack... Maybe-" Jack held up a hand to stop him, but Mark took his wrist to say again. "Jack, listen. I think-" Jack shook his head, climbing off of him quickly. Mark sat up more, asking worried. "Jack?" Jack raced off into the bathroom, barely dropping before the toilet as last nights dinner came back. Leaning over the toilet, Jack coughed and spit. Mark crept into the open doorway and Jack grumbled out. "Oh fuck... It's starting... I hate this part." Waving Mark away, Jack told Mark grimly. "Go. You don't want to see this."

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