Chapter Twelve: "Christmas Hotel"

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As tired as Mark was, he managed to keep himself awake as he drove through his bright hometown. The snow made everything so bright and reflected the cheery Christmas lights around the street poles and shops. Seeing it all made him want to stay awake. Along with the feeling that he was forgetting his kids. Jack put a hand on his thigh, asking him curiously after listening to his distressed exhale. "Mark? Are you ok?" Mark nodded, keeping his eyes on the road as he answered. "Ya... I've just never been away from the kids and I... I'm fighting the urge to turn this car around. I'll gladly sleep on the floor as long as I know they're ok." Jack's hand rubbed his thigh, warmly telling him. "They'll be fine. Your mother knows what she's doing." Mark shrugged, grumbling out. "I know... but what if something happens? What if she drops them? What if she gets overwhelmed? Hell, leaving the dogs and the kids with her... I just feel like a terrible son..." Jack squeezed his thigh, purring to him comfortingly. "Mark, relax. Jason is there. And your mom is anything but helpless."

Mark rolled his eyes, mumbling out. "Jason has NEVER had kids. And I don't want my kids to get hurt because he doesn't know how to handle them." Jack's hand moved to his shoulder, telling him soothingly. "Mark... They'll be fine. Your mom treasures our kids. Jason will be lucky if he can touch them. He'll probably get stuck playing with the dogs. Take a deep breath. Relax. They are in good hands. You know that." Mark nodded, but he couldn't shake the worry in his heart. Leaving the kids was driving him into protective daddy mode. Checking the address on the GPS, he pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and gawked at it. His mom was up to something. She had paid for the nicest hotel in his hometown. The hotel had four stories and was completely decorated in Christmas décor. The covered walkway was brightly lit up in garlands with red bows. Standing beside the double glass doors were two life size nutcrackers. Shaking his head, he mumbled out to himself. "What was she thinking?"

Jack marveled at the hotel, chuckling out. "I think she's really happy to have you home." Mark narrowed his eyes, saying under his breath. "This is a trap... I just don't know for what." Jack rolled his eyes, climbing out of the car as he stated out bluntly. "Mark, stop it. You're over thinking this." Mark climbed out, leaning on the roof as he retorted seriously. "You don't know my mother. She's sneaky like this. She's buttering me up for something." Jack shot him a doubtful look, before grumbling out. "I think you're tired and looking for something to take your fears out on. Come on." Mark locked the car, grumbling out. "I am not. You don't understand. This is how she gets you." Jack rolled his eyes, walking toward the hotel as he stated over his shoulder. "Ya. Ok." Mark narrowed his eyes on Jack's back, trudging after him as he grumbled out. "You think you know my mother better than me?" Jack chuckled, turning a little to shoot back. "Your mother is a sweetheart. The only questionable one is you." Mark huffed, retorting a bit loudly. "HA! And where do you think I get it from?! Don't fall for her cute act! That's how she messes with your head!"

Jack waved a dismissive hand at him, brushing off his words as he said bluntly. "Oh, stop it. She's an angel." Mark shook his head, mumbling out to himself. "You're a goner." Jack turned at the door, asking suspiciously. "What did you say?" Mark smirked at him, shrugging out. "Nothing." Jack narrowed his eyes on him now but opened the door for him. Stepping in, Mark inhaled deeply. Compared to outside, the inside was warm and cozy looking. The lobby was bright with a large Christmas tree in the center with fake presents underneath and a moving train. Off to the side, a wooden bar with matching tables were all decorated in fake snow. At every table was a fake snow globe with a fake candle and trays of treats inside. At the other side was a real brick fireplace with hanging stockings and red couches. Sitting at them was a family that was reading a Christmas story to their kids and drinking hot chocolate. Over the speakers, soft instrumental Christmas music played to set a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

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