Eggmans day? (not really lol)

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Paige: and where back!!

Sonic: for now.....

Paige: well yea.....

Shadow:*groans* for context, where fishing are double date....

Shadina: and while where gone, eggman has some questions/dares....

Eggman:*come out from the kitchen* REALLY!?

Paige: and it's about time! He kept pestering me and sonic about it almost everyday....

Sonic:*rubbs ears* it's eggman staying with us all over again....

Amy: wait, so while all of you are gone, who's gonna read the dares?

Paige: Oh! Moon will do that for us!! Right moon?

Moon:*smirks* yep, and there all from me~

Eggman: I think I'm starting to regret this decision....

Paige:*chuckles evily* you should~. Anyway! It's time for us to go!

M. Double date: WAIT FOR US!!

Paige:*runs out the door*


Moon: now that there gone, you ready for you're dares Eggman~?

Eggman: at the same time I am, but I'm also not....

Moon: don't matter cause you're gonna do them no matter what!! Anyway, the first one- "Dare for eggman: He has to hug sonic for an hour and he can't do any of his stupid attacks, just to make him mad XD"

Eggman: well that blue pineapple isn't here right now so I'll have to do that later.......

Moon:*rolls eyes* fine.... anyway, the next one...- "Next, he must jump off a cliff, and just to be sure he wont die, shadow must be there to save him. Btw, for shadow's part you can't tell him yet 😈."

Eggman: WHAT!? But shadow's not here either!!

Moon:*grins* witch makes it even better~

Amy: besides, you can't really be killed yet......

Moon: wait, why not?

Amy: he can't be killed unless the author of this book makes it "cannon"....



Moon: why not!?

Me: because...

Moon: because what?

Me: just because...

Moon: but- ... I'm not even gonna try anymore...

Me: Mhm...

Moom:*rolls eyes but smirks at eggman* anyway, time for you to go eggman~

Eggman: I didn't sign up for this!!

Amy: you kind of did.....

Eggman:*groans* fiiiiiine...

Moon: come on then! *turns into wolf and runs out*

Eggman: I hate all of you.... *getting pushed out by everyone*

*A bit later*

Eggman:*on top of a mountain* help...

Orbot: you got this sir!

Cubot: you can do it! I belive in you-

Eggman: I don't need you're support!! I'm about to die!

Amy:*down below with the others* NOT REALLY!!


Amy:*rolls eyes*


Eggman: OK OK!! *sighs* I can't belive I'm doing this.... *runs towards the cliff and jumps off* AHHHHHHH-!

*somewhere else*

Paige:*hears eggman screaming and looks at the moutin* you guys hear that?

Sonic:*playing cards with shadow* nope....

Shadow:*shakes head no*

Shadina: na-ah...

M.shadow:*leaning on a tree* what noise?

M.sonic:*hanging upside down on the tree* hm?

Tails/M.tails:*looks at them in confusion* uhhhhhhhh.....

Paige: ok good, just checking.... *continues reading with shadina*

*back with the others*

Sticks:*starring at eggman getting banged* what happened?

Moon: where were you?

Sticks: I was trying to find proof of Alians being real remember!?

Moon: oh yea..... well for info, fatty over here got a bunch of dares, and so one of them was for him to jump off of a cliff so yea....

Stick: Ohhhhhh.....

Eggman: so this is how it feels for you guys to wear sports tape....

Moon: well not me, paige, or even shadow for the matter wears sports tape so.....

Eggman: you know what I mean wolf!!!

Moon:*eyes start to glow and she growls* what did you just call me?

Eggman:*gulps* uh, N-nothing!

Moon:*stops growling and glares* that's what I thought...

Eggman: um, let's just go to the next question/dare!!

Moon:*smirks* my pleasure~! The next one says- "shadina, you can do anything you want to eggman. And dont be scared to be bad~."

Eggman: well to bad! She's not here either!!

Moon: you're just lucky..... for now anyway, where definitely doing these dares with they come back!!

Eggman:*rolls eyes* you don't have to remind me.... now are there any truths?

Moon: I think so, let me see...... here we go- "Eggman, why do you hate sonic?"

Eggman: I thought it was pretty obvious?

Amy: she means what made you hate him in the first place...

Eggman: Ohhhhh! Well then, this is a pretty easy answer! Well one day I was attacking the village, and then that hedgehog and hedgeCat came and rurind everything!! They where only about 6 or 7 years old at the time!

Amy: and then he met us!

Knuckles: and that's how we became them knuckles!! *grins*

M.knux:*face palms*

Amy:*also face palms* where not going over this again....

Moon:*rolls eyes*

Eggman: is there any more for me?

Moon: there's one for sonic but he's not here right now so we'll have to do that next chapter...

Eggman: anything from anyone else?

Moon: I'm not sure, but if there was, where not gonna be able to do them right now since it's about time to end the chapter....

Eggman: THANK CHAOS!!!

Everyone:*rolls eyes*

Moon: anyway, since paige isn't here I guess I'll do the outro. Remember to comment some truths and dares down below, and don't forget to vote! Anyway, that's about it for this chapter, so se ya everyone! BYE!!

Everyone else: SEE YA NEXT CHAPTER!!

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