Ch. 2 The Downfall of Them All

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Okay, get yourself together. I think to myself as I jolt up in my makeshift bed. I look around to see if anything had changed, all the while trying to calm myself down and slow my breathing. Once I am somewhat cooled down, I pull my legs in and nestle my forehead into my knees. It's hard to forget dreams like those, filled with fears, new and known faces, and cryptic prophecies, they just stick in your mind and you can't shake it off no matter what. The images are just plastered to the back of your mind and sometimes they're permanent.

I rock back and forth in the protecting position just having the dream replaying in my head like it was on an endless reel. It just kept playing and playing until finally I start to say it out loud. Then, I snap out of the trance and scream, louder than I had before, as if I had been shot. Right in that instant, Sami bursted through the door as she normally does when she has to tell me something important. She was panting and sweating as if she had run a marathon but I knew she hadn't, she had been sleeping like any feline would.

"Well that was freaky..." She said putting her arm agains the doorframe to help support her. "You screamed right as I came in, anyways, I had this dream, and it wasn't something people usually have. Well, normal people I guess. But we're not that normal, so I guess it should be normal for us?" Sami said going on in her usual banter.


"Oh right." She giggled, "So it was you, that Pink Bandit, the other one, Wildcard, and me. We were all trapped in this weird prison and every time we tried to leave, something weird happened. But on our last attempt we came to this door, and you busted a hole in it. Then you and the three others all shoved me through the hole, classless shits," She murmured, then continued, "and I opened the door from the other side in which I found this really cryptic note." She finished letting out a huge sigh.

"No shit." I said astonished. We had the same dream; that doesn't happen among people usually. "Sam, stay calm, but I have to tell you something serious." She cocked her head to the side as if to say go on. "We had the same dream." I spat out, more like in one word.


"We had-"

"No, no, I heard you. I meant, what do you mean we had the same dream?" Sam asked ever-so-carefully.

"I think we had the same dream. I think someone wants us to band together. I think someone wants me to lead."

"I think someone's trying to set us up." Sam said breaking me out of my daze of ifs. "We should find those bitches and talk things over. What time is it anyways?" I turned to look out the window of the shabby apartment room, in which I called a home, and studied the sun.

"It looks a about noon-ish, maybe one? Jesus, why did you let me sleep so late?" I said rubbing my eyes in the process.

"Hey, you and me girl. You and me." Sami said standing up to stretch.

"Alright, let's change up and grab a bite to eat, somewhere, and then try to decipher the dream and the message it was trying to send us. Okay?" I glanced at her, though she seemed in a tiresome state, to make sure she understood. She nodded in return and shuffled out of the room, only to make her way to our one-person bathroom. I sighed and sifted through my surroundings, mentally going through my clothes.

Finally alone, I grabbed clothes off the ground, that needed to be washed, and slid them on. I dove my head through the white v-neck hole, and shoved my arms through their rightful place. Then, moving on, I challenged myself to put my skinny jeans on. Jumping and wiggling, I got them and and studied myself in my broken mirror. I turned and shifted my weight to get every angle of my body, only to notice you were able to notice through the shirt, to my back.

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