Ch. 3 I Write Sins, Not Catchphrases

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I kept my eyes fixated on the card; it kept me in a delirious state. Upon remembering Sam was with me, I quickly snatched up the playing card, which I believed could benefit for us in a future state, and turned my attention back to her and her plans spread about us. She was staring right at me, so I tried to act casual.

"So, are you gunna tell me why you look stiff and all cramped up like someone punched you in the hips on 'that time of the month'?" Sam said catching onto my ridiculous position I adjusted myself into.

"Oh what do you mean?" I said with a nervous laugh, then righted myself. "Never mind, just out of it I guess." She studied me more, aware something was not right with myself.

"Uh, yeah, okay." She shuffled through her hand bag just slightly more. "Hold on one more second, I'm just trying to find one more paper-" she froze and kept her eyes trained on the inside of her bag.

"Are you okay? Is everything okay?" Sam just sat there ignoring my questions. The only thing she responded with was a hand to her agape mouth. With the other, she pulled out a playing card with the silhouette of a house cat and a cloak surrounding it. Around the card listed the same words as mine. An instinct inside me tugged away, telling myself to bring out my card. I did so, trusting my instincts, and took Sami's, also, and flipped them over. Then, I put them side by side to form a mini map of the area around our apartment building, and noticed a beacon type symbol a few blocks away. I tried to decipher the image in front of me, and came to one conclusion.

"What ever you have planned, change it. We're going on a bear hunt tonight, and we're gunna catch a big one." I said finally raising my eyes to meet with hers.

She didn't say anything except for her facial expression and the slight nod of her head. I took the two cards and shoved them into the inner pocket of my coat and then took a sip of my coffee. She just studied me, and I back at her. Both of our minds racing with millions of thoughts, but unaware of either's. Finally Sami spoke, "So, Raven, who's going to be our culpurrrrrit?"

With a roll of my eyes we burst out in laughter, lightening the mood. I reached over with my hand and wiped away her tear of joy and then reached over for a hug.

"Let's get out of here. Shall we?"


Hours jostled by as we made our way down town, running zigzag through streets to be sure not a trace could be made from us. By now, it was late at night, and the city was bright with stars that met the skyscraper lights. With cars honking past, and short cross walk lights, Sam and I managed to get to our destination; the tallest building that I know of, the Empire State Building.

We arrive at the doors and we look at each other. We both sigh in unison, but I look down at my card after and saw something inscribed in the stars on the map section,

"For the thing of what you seek,
You must find the highest peak,
Though some shall fail,
Four shall triumph to your Holy Grail."

I glance back up at Sam and sigh once more.

"Well, here we are. The 'highest peak', well at least in the city that is."

"Hey, you've done your best today. You've finally beat out the horrors of the past and are back to yourself. Be proud, and if we're not one of those four, we're pretty bad ass by ourselves too." Sami said being as encouraging as she could. She reached over and ran her hand across my back to my shoulder on the far side of her, and she let her hand rest there. After a moment, she pulled me into her and we shared a quick laugh. I pushed away and started leading towards the door.

Upon reaching the door I place my hand on the pull bar but stop. I shift my gaze up to the towering structure in front of me. I could feel the wind whipping through my hair, plastering it to my back, the wind caressing my feathers, humming to them a sweet lullaby saying it's alright, the wind calming my senses telling them they're at home, and all is safe. I could see the lights gleaming around me, like my own Broadway lights, the lights reflecting off the buildings reminding me of the nightlife I used to be so fond of. Then I could feel my senses allowing everything I used to love flow back through me, giving me life. I took a deep breath, and took my hand off the handle. I closed my eyes and rolled my neck around, and let my body relax. I let myself hear the heartbeat of Sami and could feel excitement flowing through her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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