Ch. 1 : Welcome to the Villain Parade

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Breathe. One, two, three. Breathe, was all I could tell myself in a situation like this. Being tied down to a chair may sound all fun and games to you, but in my world, my life, this is your worst nightmare. My arms were on either side of me and my legs had extra rope around them, so as to not be able to stand up was my therory. I looked around, my eyes slicing throuh the dark seeing if there was any escape route to make of. Now I may seem like I'm getting ahead of myself because I'm still strapped down to a chair, but lets be honest, would you just tie down a super villain to a chair? Or, would you chain them down to a chair so they can't escape from your clutches right? I couldn't figure out why, so I went back to trying to get out.

Looking down after unsuccessfully finding an escape route, I noticed the rope was only two-inches thick. I could easily break through this. With a flick of my wrist, talons extended from where my fingernails had been, and I easily sliced through the thin rope.
"Piece of cake." I said aloud to myself. I stood up letting all of the rope just loosely fall down in a circle around the chair and I. Continuing to search around a little more, I stretched out relieving all of my muscles from the same position they'd been in. My wings outstretched themselves to their biggest wingspan, then retracted to a comfy state. "Damn, whoever did this really knows how to make someone cramp up." I, once again, said to myself.

Soon I was ready to go, and instincts on the alert if anything decided to jump out at me. I hate jump-scares.
Adjusting my eyes, I found a hallway to the right of me, so I followed. As I ventured in it got smaller as it went. Pressing against me on all sides, forcing me to go smaller, the hallway stopped when I was finally on my hands and knees. I turned around to go back, but no such luck, dead end.
"Shit." I muttered. I closed my eyes thinking of somewhere I'd be happy, the woods. Secluded from man kind, natural beings around me, it was my safe haven. That's where I wanted to be.

When I opened my eyes, I was back in the room next to the chair. But the chair was holding someone else this time. She had blood down the side f her head, like she'd been clocked on the side of the head with a long piece of ply wood. She was unconscious, so I investigated. The girl was about seventeen, I'd say, and wearing this bright pink leotard which sparkled in the one lightbulb suspended over the chair and her. She wore a black hood that covered her face, and knee-high, black, leather boots. Matching black leather gloves came to her elbow. Her head hung over her chest, so her hood revealed some blond hear sticking out on her back.

Curiosity getting the best of me, my hand reached out to pull back her hood to reveal her face, but her head snapped up. Shadows still covered her face, and she spoke, "Touch me and you die." I didn't take the threat lightly.
"Where are we and who are you?" The stranger asked.

"I have no clue and can I trust you?" I responded.

"Tell me you villain name, I've seen you around Boston, but never heard your name." She replied.

"Uh, my name is The Raven or Raven what ever you prefer. Now, who are you?" I said.

"Pink Bandit." She said then looked around. "Wanna get me out of this?" She asked me.

"Yeah it will just be a second." I walked over to Pink Bandit and flicked my wrist, watching my talons grow. Once free she did the same as me, and stretched out. Only when she went to stretch, she folded in half backwards. Gross.
"Woah, that's a little gross. What are you?" I asked about to throw up.

"Oh that? It could be a blessing, it could be a curse. However you wish it, it's me and I'm 100% human. Well, let's say 99.99% human." She said repositioning herself to become face to face with me. "A gymnastic accident occurred and let's say a medical accident occurred also. I'll get into details later once we find a way out. Any suggestions?" Pink Bandit finished.

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