7 minutes in heaven - Seijuro Mikoshiba

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        You sat there, awfully bored. For some reason Gou thought it would be a great idea to through a party for both the swimming clubs, and taking advantage of being the captain's sister she insisted they did it on the Samezuka Academy pool.

         But why you were there was what bugged you the most. Gou pleaded you to go with her, saying that if she was the only girl it would awkward, and as the great best friend you are you compelled, regretting it deeply as you reached the pool area filled with boys.

         Now you were sitting on one of the benches around the pool surrounded by the Iwatobi boys and some others. They were obviously talking about swimming, which in fact did interest you, but you felt that if you said anything you would only embarrass yourself.

            "what up?" Gou said excitedly as she sat down beside you

             "I'm bored"

             "Oh come on its not that bad (Name)"

             " I'm sorry okay? Its just that I've been sitting here for half an hour now. We're not really doing anything"

 "You're right" she said poking her chin "I have an idea!" she exclaimed getting up and standing on top of the bench

 "Hey everyone! Grab some sort of personal object of yours and gather around"

 "What are you doing Gou?"

 "We are playing seven minutes in heaven"

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 "Okay (Name) it's your turn" Gou said, handing you the swimming cap filled with small objects

 As you were about to grab something the door to the pool area swung open and in came former swim club captain Seijuro Mikoshiba with a huge grin on his face.

 "Will someone please explain why is that who are throwing a party in MY pool and I wasn't invited?"

 "Oni-chan! You're here!" Momo said nervously

 "Of course I'm here"

"Sei-senpai. You should join us then! We're playing seven minutes in heaven. It's (Name)'s turn"

 He sat down with us and just as Seijuro was going to say something he looked at whom Gou was talking about and froze

 "Your cute" he muttered staring into your eyes. A blush found its way onto your cheeks and without warning Seijuro stood up, taking you with him and throwing you over his shoulder.

 "She chose me" he said, walking with you towards the locker area

 "Sei-senpai that's not how the game works" Gou shouted as she saw the confused look you were giving her

 "Yeah yeah, talk to me in seven minutes"

 The door closed behind and quickly Seijuro let you down, crushing you into the closed door with his body. Your blush deepened and he grinned

 "So, (Name) right?"

 You nodded shyly, not really knowing how to act

 "Seijuro Mikoshiba. Nice to meet you"

You nodded once more, still trying to process the whole situation

 "Oh, you're too cute" Seijuro said right before closing the distance between you, leaving you stunned

 However, the warmth of his lips soon made all your thoughts fade and your eyes closed, your lips slowly moving together with his. He quickly took hold of your thighs, bringing you up to his level and your legs wrapped around his waist in response. After all, his whooping 6'2'' height made it hard for him to kiss your small frame standing. He walked around, leaning against a wall nearby and holding you close, his lips never leaving yours.

 After a few minutes he went on to lick your bottom lip, asking for entrance, but as you denied he pinched your butt, causing you to let out a small gasp giving him the opening he needed. Your gasp making him smirk against your month for a second before resuming his expedition around your mouth.

 You tried to push him away, your body craving air, but he wouldn't let go. When you couldn't take it anymore you called his name against his lips and he noticed your discomfort, letting you breath. But as you were ready to relax another moan left your mouth as you felt Sei kissing all the way from your jaw line to the base of your neck. Your heart beating faster as he kissed a certain spot right under your jaw line and Sei smirked against your skin, ready to claim his price.

 Just as you were getting ready to kiss him once more the door opened, making your face redder than your lover's hair from seeing your friends faces, as you were still with your legs wrapped around Seijuro. Your legs quickly unwrapped but he refused to let your feet touch the floor.

 "Sei-senpai let me go!" you shouted hitting his muscular chest

 "No way, you're coming home with me" he said throwing you over his shoulder once more.

 Ignoring your screaming and constant punches on his back, Seijuro continued walking towards the exit, Gou right at his tail yelling "Sei-senpai you're ruining the game"

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