Part 3

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Enjoy, short chapter but still, at least it's something :D


Chapter 3

"We've really got to stop these weird meetings," he laughed. I laughed in agreement, unsure of what to say. I was afraid anything I said would make him think of me as even weirder than he already probably thought. I didn't want to allow this. He carried on staring down at me and I thought he was inspecting my messy appearance until I saw him raise his hand to my cheek, and wipe my tears. I felt a surge of butterflies glide harmoniously around my stomach. 

"Eh, thanks," I said hoping to break the awkward silence. My thoughts were all over the place. I didn't know what to say. I was still thinking about Georgia. I couldn't believe how much our friendship had deteriorated

"Do you want to go to McDonalds or something? I mean... it doesn't have to be a date or anything...” I could see he felt embarrassed asking this and I deduced that maybe it was because he was usually the one getting asked out by girls.

"Of course I'd love to!" I said without a moment's hesitation. A beautiful grin spread on his perfect face.

He held his hand out and for a moment, I was confused by this gesture. I stared at him for a few seconds attempting to figure out what he was doing, until I realised he was trying to hold my hand. I intertwined my hand in his. We walked out of the school building and I was excited by the fact that on first glance, many people would assume we were a couple. Secretly, I hoped that too. 


We sat on the bottom floor sharing fries. The setting was far from romantic, but just staring into his eyes made me feel like a princess in a fairytale; and Tren was my knight in shining armour. As cliché as that sounded, it was true.

 "Gimme a chip!" He laughed and snatched one out of my hand.

"Hey!" I threw another chip at me. He chuckled in return.

"Emillie, Emilie Porter," he kept repeating my name as if working out something.

"Yes... That's me," I said awkwardly. 

"Oh, don't mind me. I was just working out how your name will sound when you get famous and presenters call you out." 

"As much as I'd love that to come true, it's not going to happen."

"What? Why not? Of course it'll happen, as long as you're determined." His encouraging words were actually working. Maybe I did have a chance of getting famous... 

"So, how come I've never seen you around school before?" I asked, dipping my fry in the ketchup. I wanted to change the subject, talking about me in the future wasn't exactly what I thought I'd be talking about on a date with the boy of my dreams. Since I'd fixed myself up in the toilet, I felt more confident and more able to speak to him without constantly wondering what rude things he was thinking about me. However, the more and more he spoke to me, the more I realised he wasn't like that. He wasn't like every other guy. He was far from it. Although he had the macho image, he was soft at heart which made me fall for him even more. 

"I don't know myself. I'm sure I'd remember a beautiful face like yours." I laughed at the irony: I thought the exact same thing about Tren when I first saw him.

"Aww, thanks. Enough of the cheesy lines," I said; my confidence at a peak. 

"You know you like them really!" He winked and I tried to hide my emotions by holding my hands against my cheeks. I raised my eyebrows in an attempt to look flirtatious but I quickly lowered it, convincing myself that I must look like a fool. He sniggered at me, and suddenly began leaning in. I looked around the room, frantically, in an attempt to find something to stop him from trying to kiss me. As good-looking as he was, I didn't want him to realise that I've never kissed anybody before in my life. It would surely be obvious from my rookie mistakes.

Suddenly, I spot a group of angry faces storming into the fast food restaurant. Antonio. Mikel. Annie. They looked possessed; as if they were looking to kill somebody. Then, I remembered. The rehearsals after school, my heart dropped. They had spotted me through the glass walls. 

Tren opened his eyes and stared at me when he realised I wasn't leaning in myself. He looked quizzingly at my weird facial reactions until he spotted Annie, Mikel and Antonio storming in over to us.

"What the Hell are you doing here?!" Annie exploded.

"Sorry guys, I forgot."

"You 'forgot'? How can you forget?! That's not an excuse. We warned you yesterday!" All eyes directed themselves to the scene detonating in front of their very eyes.

"She was busy with lover boy here," Antonio said and threw a cold glance at Tren.

"Can you guys leave?! You're causing a scene..." I hated being the centre of attention in situations like this. I was always afraid that I'd make a fool of myself. 

"Yeah, we'll leave you snogging your boyfriend here." Annie led the group with her views. It was like the other two had no input.

"Can we do this another time, please?" My voice sounded desperate. 

"You know what, Emillie? Forget it. You're out of the group," she dictated. My jaw dropped open in shock. Only now, did I feel an inch of what Georgia was feeling. How could Annie kick me out of the band which WE started? I was fuming.

She walked out of the room along with Mikel and Antonio and I threw my food all over the floor in anger.

"Don't worry, me and you are a much better team," Tren attempted to comfort me.

I looked at him and realised he was being serious.


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