[FMA] Fem!Reader x Envy Part 1

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This was requested by @fmageek77. Hope that you enjoy this oneshot!

I've decided to make this multiple parts, so I hope that no one minds!

Have a request? Feel free to ask!



You were sitting in your room, reading one of the many books you had with you. You were reasearching the Philosopher's stone, however so far you hadn't come across anything useful. You sighed, placing down another book to the "Usless" pile.

"Man, this is gonna be harder than I thought." You said to yourself, running a hand through your head.

"What's the matter, Kido?"

You gasped and turned around to see a person in your room. They were leaning on your window frame, smirking. You couldn't quite tell what gender they were, because their body looked male however their clothes(a skort and stomach-exposing top) said otherwise. Not only that, but they had long green hair and purple eyes, with a strange red tatoo on their thigh.

"Who are you?" Was the only thing that you could say.

"Sorry, Kido, I don't just go around telling everyone my name," He/She smirked.

"Well, at least tell me what gender you are." You said.

They fell off the window frame and into you room.


"Jeez, I have no idea." You sweatdropped. "Why are you here, anyways?"

"I thought that I'd just give you a little pointer on your search for the Philosopher's stone," He smirked again. "You know, there's this place called Liore where this Priest is supposetly "creating miricles." However, I don't know if it's really true or not, so you may want to check it out. Oh, those poor people, what will they do when they find out that their Priest is a fraud?"

"Fraud?" You asked. You knew perfectly well about the Priest in Liore, Father Cornello, who was supposetly "making miricles." There was a rumor that he could even bring back the dead. It seemed really far fetched, making you think that he was just saying all of those things to expand his ego. However, now that this guy brought it up, what if he was using a Philosopher's stone?

"Oops." They said, pretending that they said too much.

"Wait, are you being serious? This guy could have a Philosopher's stone?" You asked, getting eager.

"Enlighten me," He turned to look at you. "Why do you want a Philosopher's stone in the first place? You look young enough that you don't need any extra years, Kido. Not to mention this mansion that you live in, so it can't be gold or anything. So, why do you want it?"

You frowned a little bit. "How about equivilant exchange? You tell me your name, I'll tell you why I want a Philosopher's stone."

"Hmm..." He put a hand on his chin as though he was thinking very hard about it. "Deal. My name is Envy."

"You mean, like the emotion?"

"Exactly like the emotion." Envy smirked. "Now, why do you want a Philosopher's stone?"

"It's not for me," You looked away a little bit. "It's for my brother. It was our Dad's only goal in life to find the Philosopher's stone, so after both him and Mom died, (B/N) made it his purpose to finish Dad's research and find the stone."

"But why are you looking for it?"

You looked at Envy, not quite sure yourself. "I-I guess that-"

"These are dangerous waters, (Y/N)." Envy went back up to your window. "Don't dive too deep, or you'll drown." Sending you one last smirk, he jumped out of the window.

You ran to the window and looked out, hoping to spot him, but only saw a stray cat that was walking down the street. You sighed, before remembering something. "Hey!" You yelled. "How do you know my name?!"

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