[Fairy Tail] Eve Tearm x Fem!Cutie!Dark!Reader

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Hello, everyone! This adorable little fanfic was requested by @Shadow-AnimeHeart.

Hope that you enjoy! And I'm sorry, because I'm almost positive that some people are gonna seem a bit OOC. I haven't really seen Blue Pegasus people in a while, so I don't remember all that well about how they act...only that they flirt.

Have a request? Feel free to ask!



Your life was never the easiest.

You never really knew your real parents. Your brother had really taken care of you until you were five, and after that you both got separated. You had wandered around for a long time, scared and afraid, calling out for your brother but he never showed up.

That was when the dragon came.

It was a female. Or, at least, that is what you thought, and you were correct. This dragon was the Music Dragon, the only one in existence. She was like the mother you never had, and you loved her a lot. Then, on July 7, year 777, she disappeared, leaving you all alone again with only a(n) (favorite instrument) to remember her by. You always carried it around with you, refusing to part from it.

You decided that you needed to find your brother again. You searched for about three years with no luck, until you overheard something about him and the magic guild Blue Pegasus. You decided there was no harm in checking it out, and went there.

You opened the doors to the guild, and were amazed. The atmosphere felt really...nice. You didn't know exactly how to explain it, but you supposed that you liked the guild so far. You had gotten a good first impression of it, at least.

"Excuse me, miss."

You turned and looked to see a short(ish) bald man, who was wearing a pink spagetti-strapped shirt, pink and purple stripped shorts, a golden hoop necklace, some white wings on his back, and...was that makeup?

The man smiled. "I'd like to welcome you to the guild Blue Pegasus! It's very nice to meet you. What's your name?"

The man seemed very kind, at least. "I'm (Y/N)." You said, holding out your hand to shake his.

He shook your hand. "A lovely name. I'm Master Bob. Have you come to join?"

"Uh, well, I was looking for someone..." You sort of trailed off. "Do you by any chance have a man here by the name of Hibiki Lates?"

Master Bob smiled. "Well, we do! Are you his girlfriend?"

Your eyes widened and you waved your hands in a "no". "O-of course not! I'm his sister!"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Master Bob continued to smile. "I wouldn't have guessed. You two don't really look all that much alike."

(A/N: I'm sorry if you look like Hibiki. Just go with it. It's Master Bob.)

Master Bob took you over to Hibiki, and you were filled with joy. Unfortunately for you...he didn't really remember you.

That crushed your hopes.

You decided to stay at Blue Pegasus anyways, after Master Bob had convinced you. Hibiki, even though he didn't remember you, stayed close by and sort of became a brother to you even though he didn't remember. He always seemed rather overprotective of you, no matter what happened. You were introduced to two of his friends, Eve and Ren. You got along with them alright, but you still decided to distance yourself.

You did meet a friend, (B/F/N). She was already part of a small team, and had invited you to join many times but you refused, telling her you always worked better alone. You decided that now, since you found your brother, you should start looking for your dragon. You didn't have any luck until you heard a small rumor of a creature that lived in the mountains. The guy you ended up questioning said that when he went up there, he heard a strange singing that made him fall asleep, and when he woke up he was back at the foot of the mountain, but all of his other friends were missing and still missing.

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