[OHSHC] Kyoya x Aromantic!Fem!Reader

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Hello my broskies.


So, I hope that this fanfic is okay to y'all. It was requested by @Kaitlynanon, and I hope that you all enjoy this. It's kinda short, but...whatevah.

Without further adou(is that how you spell it?), enjoy!

Got a request? Feel free to ask!



You walked down the hallways to Ouran High School, looking around to see if a certain someone was nearby. You were on high alert, because if you decided to relax for even a second, then something bad would happen to you. Or two certain red-headed twins, but right now you were unsure.

You made your way to your last class - history. You were the only person in the classroom at the moment, with not even the teacher there yet. It was as you expected, because you were always the first person to usually all of your classes. You took your education very seriously, unlike some other girls in the school that really only went there so that they could interact with Oraun High School's Host Club. You had to admit, they were a nice bunch to hang around with, but you disliked that all of the other girls were all over them.

You didn't relax until you had sat down in your seat with your textbook open, and a soft sigh of relief escaped your lips. As soon as you had, however, your seat suddenly crashed to the ground and you heard the familiar laughs of the Hitachiin Twins. You slowly rose to your feet with a look of murder on your face, and turned around to look at them. "Well, hello boys." You flashed an evil smirk. Both of them gulped, and simotanioulsy turned around and began to run away. You charged after them until you were right outside of the classroom, where you yelled after them, "YOU CAN'T RUN FOREVER!"

"(Y/N)?" You turned around to see Kyoya Ootori, one of your good friends. "Was it the twins again?"

You crossed your arms. "Yeah, but you don't need to worry about it."

He gave you a small smile that was reserved for you. "Alright. Just know that I can give them hell if you'd like me to."

You laughed. "Not today, I'm not that mean."

Kyoya and you entered the room, where he helped you replace your broken chair for a new one that was perfectly fine. He sat next to you, and a few moments after simply talking to each other the rest of the class entered and you began to focus on the class. When the hour was over and you had your homework safely put into your bag, you smiled and began to walk out with Kyoya, ready for the weekend. After you reached your limo, you waved goodbye to him one last time and went off to your house.

You had only just gotten there and reached to take out your homework when you realized that you had forgotten your Chemistry textbook. You face palmed, and sighed in irritation. You grabbed some casual clothes and changed into them, walking down to your mother's office. "Mom, I forgot my textbook at school. Is it alright if I go and get it?"

"Of course, dear!" Your mother smiled. "Just be safe, alright?"

You nodded, and turned around to head back down to the High School. You got back into your limo and got back to the school, walking down the hallway and to your locker. Opening it, you found that it wasn't in it. I swear, if it was the twins... You thought, before remembering that you had loaned it to Tamaki after he had forgotten it in Chemistry. You face palmed again, realizing that you had forgotten to get it back.

Well, today was one of those lucky days that the Host Club wasn't hosting, but you knew that they would still be in there doing who knows what. Tamaki would probably be announcing his brilliant ideas for cosplaying, Haruhi and Kyoya would be denying them, the twins would be pranking or something else, Honey would be eating cake and watching everyone else while Mori would be guarding Honey. You sighed and turned around, walking down to head to Music Room Three.

You had just gotten outside of the door, when you head how quiet it was. You frowned; it was never this quiet. Maybe they're not there after all... You thought, but walked up to the door and prepared to walk inside just in case. However, before you could, you suddenly heard Haruhi, Tamaki, the twins, and Honey simotaniously shout, "WHAT?!"

Your eyes widened, and instead of entering the room you placed your ear to the door in order to listen to what was going on inside of the room. "You've never told me this before!" Tamaki yelled.

"Senpai, do you really have a crush on her?"


"Shut up, all of you!"

The room got quiet quickly.

"Why don't you just tell her, if you're so agitated about it?" Haruhi asked.

"I can't." Kyoya answered.

"Why not?" The twins asked.

"Yeah, if it's gonna help you focus more, then you should do it. Use your charm, it shouldn't be hard!" Tamaki announced.

"I. Just. Can't." Kyoya's voice was dangerous.

"Why?" Everyone pressed.


"You can't be so sure until you confess!" Honey said, sweetly.

"No, I know that she won't feel the same."


"(Y/N)'s asexual, okay?"

Your eyes widened. How did he know...? You thought. You closed your eyes and silently took a deep breath, waiting for a moment with the silence before opening the door with a large smile on your face. "Hey, guys!" You greeted.

Everyone looked over at you nervously. "H-hey, (Y/N)!" The twins nervously said.

You frowned. "What? Is there something on my face?" You played innocent.

"No." Haruhi shook her head. "What's up?"

"Oh, right, I wanted to get my Chemistry book back from you, Tamaki." You said, looking to Tamaki with a smile.

"Oh!" He scratched the back of his head and reached into his bag, handing it to you. "Right. Sorry."

"It's no problem." You gave everyone one last smile. "Thanks, guys. See you Monday!" You waved goodbye as you left, sighing after you closed the door. That was awkward.

You made your way down to the gardens and back towards the limo, holding your textbook close to your chest. God, I feel like such a jerk. Kyoya has feelings for me, but I can't return them. Why can't I? You sighed, looking back at the front gates to the school where the limo to home was waiting.


You stopped and turned around to see Kyoya running towards you. Your eyes widened as you looked at him as he stopped in front of you, breathing slightly heavily. "Look, I - have to - "

"I know, Kyoya." You looked down. "And I'm sorry, but I can't return your feelings."

His eyes widened, before his face softened. "I know that. But I wanted to tell you anyways."

"I'm really, really sorry, Kyoya."

He chuckled slightly. "Don't be sorry, (Y/N). I know that you can't return the feelings."

"It's nothing about you, it's just me." You looked into his eyes, feeling a few tears start to form.

"Why are you crying?" Kyoya asked, reaching out and brushing away a tear with his thumb.

"B-because I don't think that it's that fair to you." You averted your eyes, feeling more tears fall.

"This is nothing to cry about." Kyoya smiled to you. "I want to still be your friend, okay?"

You nodded, and rushed forward to hug him. For a moment, you stood still with him, and he held you close as your crying began to stop. "Kyoya?" You mumbled.


"You'll always be my best friend, okay?" You looked up at him. "And I'll always support you."

His smile grew brighter. "That's all that I need."

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