[Fairy Tail] Father!Laxus x Depressed!Male!Father!Reader

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Hello, ducklings!

This here story was requested by @Gdog5500, and what would you know but this is YAOI!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!

So yeah, don't hate on this story if you don't like yaoi. And for all of you who don't know, yaoi means BOY X BOY, so if you don't like, then DON'T READ!!!! Simple as that!

BTW (C/N) is going to mean your child's name.



Got a request? Feel free to ask!


You sat at the living room window to your small house that you lived in with your (son/daughter), (C/N), and your husband Laxus. It was currently midnight in Magnolia, and you had come out here to look at the night sky to distract you from the most recent nightmare you had. Nightmares weren't uncommon to have with you, and it had begun to occur more recently since you had adopted (C/N) about six months ago. 

They were mostly the same: you would lose control over your dark magic that you possessed and would end up killing Laxus, (C/N), the whole Fairy Tail guild, and destroying the whole city of Magnolia. You were getting more and more afraid of it happening, which led you to start a depression. You didn't tell anyone how you felt, and managed to hide it from others for a long time.

But now you were almost certain that you would have to leave. If anything, you would leave so that you would be able to learn to control your dark magic, and then return one day when you were certain that you wouldn't kill anyone. It was a curse, having this dark magic, and most people feared you because of it, but no one in Fairy Tail did when you went to go and join. The Master was perfectly happy with letting you stay, and everyone else let you in without a second thought. You had finally found a family, and you didn't want to lose that.

You felt a blanket fall around your shoulders, which brought you out of your thoughts. "You're gonna catch a cold." You heard Laxus say as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and stood next to you.

"Thanks." You muttered, not moving your gaze from the night sky.

"You had another nightmare again, didn't you?" Laxus asked, looking at your face though you didn't look at his. 

You internally sighed at your inability to keep something away from your husband. "Another?" You asked.

"You woke up crying a few days ago," Laxus explained. "You don't remember?"

You never really do remember what happens after you wake up from your nightmares. It would only make sense that Laxus would try and comfort you when you woke up. "Not really." You admitted, looking away from the sky and to him.

Laxus was smiling softly at you. "Did you want to talk about them?"

You looked away from him and to the ground. "You can't help."

"I can, and you know it." 

You sighed. "It's always the same. I lose control of my magic and end up killing everyone. I just can't get their faces out of my head, Laxus. I'm scared that I'm gonna lose control."

"You won't lose control of your magic."

"How do you know that for sure?" You asked, frowning as you turned to look at him.

"Do you want to lose control?" Laxus asked you, his face serious.

"Of course not!"

"Do you want to hurt anyone?"


"Then no one has to fear anything," Laxus smiled. "Because if you don't want to hurt anyone or lose control, then you'll be perfectly fine."

You scoffed. "So? What if my magic is too powerful for me?"

"It's not. Because you're very powerful too, (Y/N). You can control it."

Your eyes widened and you looked down. "How can you have that much faith in me?"

"Because I love you, and you're my husband." Laxus kissed your forehead. "And I married you for a reason, idiot."

You chuckled slightly. "Yeah, I suppose that you did."

"Papa? Daddy?" You turned and looked to see (C/N) rubbing their eyes, their favorite blanket that Mira had sown for them clutched in their hand as they stood behind you. "Why are you up?"

"N-nothing, (C/N)," You smiled.

"Daddy just had a nightmare." Laxus explained, picking up (C/N) who was awake right at the word 'nightmare.'

"Daddy had a nightmare?" They asked, looking at you with a new smile. "Don't worry, Daddy! I'll fight the nightmares with my magic so that they can't hurt you again!"

You smiled brightly at your child's enthusiasm. How could I even think that I'd hurt them? They're my family. It's like Laxus said: if I believe that I have control of my magic, then I do. I wouldn't hurt them if my life depended on it.

"Can I sleep with you and Papa, Daddy?" (C/N) asked.

"Why?" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion.

(C/N) grinned. "So that I can defeat the nightmares!"

You smiled brightly. "Alright, fine."

The three of you turned around and you closed the window, looking out at the night sky one last time before going into your bedroom where Laxus and (C/N) were waiting for you. As soon as you laid down, (C/N) hugged you tightly and buried their head into your neck. "I love you, Papa and Daddy!" They said, kissing your neck softly before falling asleep almost instantly.

You smiled and kissed their forehead, with Laxus doing the same right after you. You wrapped an arm around (C/N) and then reached out a hand to hold Laxus as he did the same. "I have faith in you." Laxus told you, smiling.

You grinned back as a tear fell from your eye. Yes, you believed that you could control your magic. You would have to, in order to protect your family. Everyone in your family.

Closing your eyes, you found that you weren't afraid anymore. And that night, you didn't have anymore nightmares.

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