Backstory ( beggining spice)

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There you were being tortured again because you didn't answer immediately when the soldiers asked you to report your mission. You had just come back from a mission in France to eliminate a possible threat to HYDRA. You were strapped to a cold metal chair, ready to be brainwashed.

You were the best soldier they had, you had all sorts of abilities and you aced each and every one of them. You had been in HYDRA since birth because your mom had been captured while she was pregnant with you. They waited for you to be born and killed your mother since she was no use to them. They trained you for 20 years non stop though when the war ended they put you in ice because you were too good to be wasted. It's funny because every time they brainwash you, you never forget your past, your mom ,your missions , all the lives you took, but that wasn't the point of it all. The aim was to make your brain numb, incapable of comprehending so that they could get in your mind and make you do anything without you even knowing, you weren't aware about all the people you killed, tortured or abused. Your mind was completely under their control and brainwashing it worked perfectly. You were way too perfect to go to waste. You had a flawless aim and you could reach high speeds in little time, you spoke more than 50 languages, you could blend in plain sight, infiltrate a whole SHIELD base in half an hour, bring a whole country down in one night and your stamina and endurance was incredible. You couldn't remember but they also used you on multiple experiments. They tried using a serum that hadn't been successful on thousands of other men. It was supposed to make you ten times stronger but instead your DNA reacted to it in a totally different way and that serum gave you the ability to read and manipulate minds ( I know, like wanda but i mean you're way cooler and you have physical abilities which are so awesome) and telekinetic abilities. You had trained your whole life and were unbeatable and you completed all of your missions phenomenally. Every time people were so scared but you really didn't have time to think about other people's fear, you would probably end up killing them anyway. Word spread about you, about how you were unstoppable, about how you never failed, about how you were untraceable, about how there were never survivors wherever you went, about how you could trace anyone anywhere, about how you were like a myth, a legend that haunts your nightmares.They named you "The shadow ". They often compared you to a man called Winter Soldier though you hadn't the slightest clue to who he was. (you were kept in a bunker in Havana, Cuba and he was kept in Syberia so you never met)

So there you were, being strapped to a metal chair while lost in your thoughts though it all soon ended with an excruciating pain that went from the bottom of your spine to the back of your skull. It was as if a knife was stabbing each and every one of your nerves, on by one. The last thing you remember was not being able to keep your eyes open, the pain was unbearable, as a loud scream escaped your mouth. Electricity running through your brain, everything was happening so fast but so painfully slow at the same time, you wanted the pain to end so badly.

All of a sudden it all stopped. Your head shook violently for a few seconds and your mind went blank. They were in your head again. It was as if it was waiting to be reset, ready to be used. A man behind you started reciting some words, which might have seemed useless but they were the most important step to enter your mind. "Тоска" the man said in a firm voice "ржавый, топочный" he continued, circling around you "рассвет, семнадцать, доброкачественный" he went on, walking by you chair "девять, возвращение домой, один грузовой автомобиль" he quoted, reciting the words clearly. He then stopped "добро пожаловать обратно, солдат". You looked into the man's eyes without showing emotion, "готов подчиниться". You were completely under their control, You were not Y/N anymore, you were the shadow. "готов подчиниться" you answered with a blood freezing tone. " We have a new mission for you, soldier." You closed your eyes, took a deep breath and raised your head. You gave the doctors around you a penetrating stare and then looked to the man who had spoken earlier, waiting for further instructions.

"Soldier, you're gonna go to Washington DC to eliminate an old friend, you don't need more information" the man said as he closed a small red book. You started walking towards the door but the men standing in front of it stopped you "Oh and Soldier, you have to succede or you know what will happen to you." he said with a smirk on his face. You stopped dead in your tracks. "I never fail." you answered with a low and firm tone. Oh how wrong you are. You walked out of the room with a cold facial expression ,nothing on your mind except one thing. Completing your mission.


Word count: 1045 words

Ok so this is like a bit of a beginning for it all, I mean it's just to give you a bit of an idea, like when a film starts and then there's the theme song. Idk. I hope you like it and if you have any suggestions or opinions tell me.

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