Chapter 2 He Was There. again.

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Words: 899 (ik its short)

You were being kept inside the van for half an hour until one of the soldiers next to you stood up and looked you deep in the eyes. It was your signal to get out and do your job. You stared at him blankly for a few seconds, studying his facial expression and then for up and reloaded your gun. You raised your shirt and your shot wound had stopped bleeding after you had taken out the bullet with your bare hands.

The serum mixed with your abilities made your wounds close up incredibly quickly but that wasn't such a good thing at hydra. It was seen more of an invitation: if the pain they inflict on you doesn't stay for long then it wasn't enough so every single time the pain would be harsher and more unbearable.

You rolled your shirt back down and moved in front of the sliding door, ready to attack any moment now. You waited for the soldier to nod and then she opened the door and hopped out of the van easily. You scanned your surroundings until you saw it. The same damn man. Only this time he was shooting grenades with a RPG at some people at a short distance: two men and a red headed woman.

The man in the black suit made a blonde guy fall from the bridge on top of a bus and that's when you realized those were the people you were sent to kill. "(This dude has just crossed the line) Этот чувак перешел черту'' you mumbled yourself. You started running towards the bridge where they were fighting, debating wether you should kill the man first and then finish your mission or complete your mission and then take your time to torture and eventually kill this asshole who keeps getting on your way. The second option sounded way better.

You were exactly under the bridge when the woman fell down one side of the bridge and then started running towards your direction. You were so ready for this.

You grabbed your gun and reloaded it,raised it towards her and started shooting at her. She rolls on the floor and then throws a small metal ball towards you and before you know it you are being electrified. Energy running through your veins, once again, you looked in her eyes while shaking from the electricity. She kept on running under the bridge until she reached the side where her blonde friend had fallen. She raised her guns and started shooting at the all-in-black dude.

That was your dude to kill, not hers.

You grabbed the small ball and smashed it with your hands, the energy dying instantly. You stood up slowly from the ground and started running towards the bridge. Change of plan, first you're gonna kill the dude who looks just like you and then you'll get over with your mission.

You get to a light post and climb it with ease as it brought you high enough for you to jump on the bridge where your first target was shooting, fortunately he hadn't noticed you, well, you weren't called shadow for nothing. You stood up straight on the pole and lifted yourself up on the bridge. You pulled yourself up easily and crouched down on your knees.

You lift your head and look at his actions, the way he held his gun, the way he placed his feet on the ground to keep a steady posture, his shoulder- length brown hair moving swiftly thanks to the slight wind blowing, his robust and powerful muscles showing underneath the suit he was wearing, you could've sworn you'd seen him somewhere and those swift moves aren't easily seen around, not that you were out in public, enjoying yourself much.

You let out a deep breath and grabbed your AK47 from your back, reloading it making an old bullet fall to the ground. You look inside your viewfinder, aiming for his internal jugular vein on his neck. You had a clear shot on it because while he was shooting tilted his head slightly, maybe to have a more precise aim. You tightened your grip on your pistol grip and moved your index finger on the trigger.

You were still looking in the viewfinder when you pulled the trigger.

You wanted to see your mission die, at your feet. You wanted to see his blood oozing out of his neck. You didn't care who he was. You didn't care if he suffered and you obviously didn't care if you had to kill another. It was your duty right?

You were waiting for the bullet to hit him until you felt a throbbing pain in your lower abdomen followed by another excruciating feeling on your chest. Damn my chest is really getting killed lol.

Then something hit your upper nape and everything went black.


Fuck, im into this story too lol. This may be worse than my other parts but I swear to god i can really write so much better but my power is gone and I didn't have much time but I still wanted to go on with the story so here it is. Ik it's shorter too, really sorry guys. I promise the next part is gonna be way better. Hope you still like it,


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