Chapter 3

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Word count: 2382

Warnings: sexual assault,cursing, gruseom deaths:),semi naked,

ATTENTION: THIS COULD TRIGGER SOMEONE and for personal reasons I am not going to be writing it in full detail the delicate subject, if you wanna keep on reading though just not that bit imma put asterisks when it begins and ends, there is no problem, I understand completely.

You felt a hand being placed on your cheek, smudging away something liquidy that had dripped down your cheek. Before you could open your eyes, the warmth of the hand quickly vanished and a hard punch hit your cheekbone followed quickly by another punch only this time on your temple. Now you realized what that liquid was and you shot your eyes open.

At first everything was blurry, a strong light shining over you but after few seconds your eyesight got used to it and your eyes darted around for wherever the fuck you were. That's when you noticed a tall man standing in front of you, wearing a military camouflage suit with a very irritating smirk on his face. He lowered his head, slowly reaching your level of hight since you were strapped on a chair "Добро пожаловать, милая, или, лучше сказать, хладнокровный убийца, Гидре.(welcome sweetheart or should i say cold blooded murderer, to HYDRA)" he whispered in your ear. You shook your head and rattled your chains just to see if they were really firm and they just rattled. You shook your body until you stopped dead in your tracks. You swallowed, hard, and lifted your head slowly to look around the room you were in.

You were not in a room. You were in the middle of a gigantic open space, surrounded by footbridges and staircases that led to thousands of cells, more like cages, but they were all empty. All of their prisoners, or soldiers were standing right infront of you. They were staring at your bloody and bruised body as if they were enjoying it, as if you were on display for them. You looked down and saw your pants had been ripped ( idk like now they've become shorts) and you were only in a sports bra, leaving your skinny but muscular body showing.

You were not ashamed of your body(bc you are perfect and yes i'm talking to you, not Y/N in my story, YOU and you are just perfect just the way u are, please never change, please<3) but the thing that worried you the most was that you were completely covered in blood, some wasn't even yours but most of it was yours and it was gushing out from deep cuts that were everywhere. Your whole body ached and breathing was becoming very hard. You looked back at the whole crowd that was standing in front of you, searching for someone you recognized. I mean you were at hydra. You scanned the crowd and then made eye contact with the all-in-black dude you had tried to kill, holding a cloth on his neck."So I did hit him after all" you mumbled under your breath.

You were tired of being at the center of attention and were starting to want some answers. The man wearing the camouflage suit was standing behind you, this was your chance so you turn your chair facing him and you kick his shin. He groans in pain and leans over his leg and you knock him out cold using your head against his. You stand up on the chair and sat back down with force causing the chair to break.

You did that so quickly that by the time you were standing up, ready to fight the whole crowd was still looking at you with wide eyes. You smirk and crack your neck, ready to bring down other guards(damn, your cool as fuck) You squint your eyes trying to see any guards coming your way and lock eyes with the soldier you had tried to kill. His eyes were full of worry but at the same time his expression was cold, you were lost in those steel blue eyes but before you knew it s man grabbed your arms. You immediately reacted and jumped backwards on top of his shoulders. You punched his face a few times until you cracked his neck and he fell to the floor. you jumped off him before he hit the ground and searched for any guns or knives you could use since they had taken everything away from you but unfortunately you found nothing.

I don't wanna hurt you ( Bucky x Hydra experiment reader)Where stories live. Discover now